The help function describes adding files from your hard drive. It does not go into any details about adding them from a DVD player. I discovered that opening my DVD drive with the source video removes them from the time line. Closing the drive with the same DVD does not automatically restore them to the time line. Inputing them from the DVD library at this point, causes them to appear at the beginning of the timeline, and all the titles are pushed out to the end of the timeline. They can be moved back to spaces alloted to them, but it is a difficult task. The best way for me to recover from either opening the DVD drive accidentally, or recovering from a reboot, is to start a new project and reload the DVD video. Hopefully, I have saved the project to the hard drive and can then restore the project with everything coming out ok. Doing this in reverse by restoring the project first and then importing the files causes the problem of the titles being shoved over to the end of the timeline.
One reason I have described this proceedure in detail is the method for handling multiple DVD inputs. I currently have a recovered project with everything
showing up correctly in the timeline. However, there are no videos appearing in the window of the Media Files and it is showing a message to add files. I
am not sure at this point is the videos I am seeing are on my DVD player disc, or has the program stored them somewhere on my hard drive. I know of no way to display what is currently stored in the media library for this active project. Hopefully, when I go to produce it, the files will be found to add the video. The problem remains how to best handle inputing files from separate DVD's. Although I have two drives, I must reserve one of the drives as my burner drive. I'm not sure what would happen if I temporarily used my burner drive for reading and switched over to burning after the video was produced.
I'm afraid I may lose some of my video in this process. I guess the only workaround here is to copy additional DVD's to the hard drive and use these files
to add as media input to the final product. It would be nice if the program did all this automatically for you, adding files from the DVD player to some working area on the hard drive as they are inported, thus freeing them up for additional inputs.
This is something the author's of this program have not addressed in their help pages, but I think it is a very common and practical issue. Any suggestions to make this process easier would be appreciated.