My converter has been converting 90 minute mpgs/avis to DVDs in only abt 90 minutes. This is good, no problem. All of a sudden, a 90 minute mpg/avi is now taking over 8 hours to convert. I haven't made any changes or done something different. The only thing that is different is that this avi is 1.55 gbs. The other mpgs/avis were less than 1.2 gbs, usually at 500mbs. Does anyone know why it would all of a sudden just give me slow performance? Is there any thing I should look for that might have changed this process? Even though the file is much larger, it still is only 90 minutes long, like the others. Can a larger file with the same time require more time to convert? It may sound like a dumb question bc my 1.2 gb files converted at the same speed as my 300 mb files.