I like the Video and Audio editor. It's taken just a couple of days to figure it out and produce a nice product in preview. The video tutorials are great.
But twice now the VE won't recognize the MP3 audio track I put in. The track appears as I had it, the mute isn't on but there is no sound. But did just a few moments before...and I'm unaware of turning it off...I don't even know how.
I delete the track and put it back in and get an "File type not recognized" error. Really? It plays on my players, plays in the audio editor but Video Editor says no.
Until I close the program and restart.
Any comments or help? It's a tad frustrating as I'm almost done with a project.
Also: where can I get an explanation on how the audio lines (green and red) work? I can double click and create dots that move around to-I assume-increase and decrease the volume, but there must be more to it. Lot's of trial and error going on...