I am also having audio/video sync problems while attempting to record and playback a (music) video. The video plays quite fast and the audio is both out of sync and of very poor quality. I immediately muted the audio. After reading through this thread, I assume the problem is likely due to it being a YouTube video. (It is of the band I manage and I have full permission and rights to record it.) I am using the most current version of Video Editor.
I thought that a way to work around the issue would be to record the audio from the YT video separately, slow down the recorded video to the correct speed using the speed button, and then add back in the recorded audio file, trying to match them up on the timeline as best as possible. The problem with that is there are only a finite number of speed adjustments that can be selected and in my case, the 0.6 adjustment is too slow (13:55:555) and the 0.7 adjustment is too fast (11:56:190). I know how long the video should be (to match the audio), so is there any way to make a manual speed adjustment between 0.6 and 0.7, or is there another way to either speed up (shorten) or slow down (lengthen) the video to where it is at the proper speed/ length? (13:37:397)
Or is there another way altogether to fix this issue? Thank you.