Hi All,
Been a while as everything has been going well...
1st question which I think will be easy for programmers to fix, when your editing or removing sections out of video's after you select start & then the end it automatically goes back to the start of where you started that last edit.... why is this I then want to search for the next edited section so it should stay at the end???
2nd I have disabled services in microsoft windows 7 to make the computer as fast as possible, but since I have done this when selecting sections of the movie in the lower section of the edit screen where you can add transitions & the likes, when I grab the little blue pointer & move to different sections in the video it doesn't show it up the top in viewing that section of the video, I have to press play in that top window & then it will show the section of video where it's at!
It's quite annoying as when using arrows & with ctr, alt etc.. it doesn't show exactly where it's at!
I know this is my fault for stopping services as it was working perfect previous before I did the stop service thing in windows, but I disabled over 50 services & has made it a lot more responsive & don't want to re-enable all of the services!
Thanks Heaps Grant