I was very disappointed in the results of converting my movie film to Blue Ray HD.
I was given a BDMV HD disc and an MPEGTS set of two discs. Both of these were playable in my Panasonic
Blue Ray player, although the MPEGTS data discs gave a undefined format message at start of play. Both
dics exhibited a good deal of graininess from the regular 8 movie film. I compared the appearance of them
to a previous disc I had made of super 8 movie film to a standard format disc. The standard format did not
show this graininess and otherwise looked as good as the Blue Ray discs. I'm not sure what caused this.
It could have been the fault of the company that made the discs. They used a TELECINE machine for both
transfers and burned the scanned data to regular and Blue Ray discs. It could also have been a problem of
trying to extract too much information from the movie film for the case of a Blue Ray rendition.
I also had some problems reading these Blue Ray discs into the AVS Video Editor. There was a lot of intervening
white space at the beginning of the file segments and the usable data was hard to find.
I would like to hear from anyone who has had any experiences using Blue Ray conversion and editing from
movie film. At this point, I think the standard definition transfer produces a better picture with less