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Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
06.02.12 07:53:32
I am preparing to transfer my home videos on 8 and super 8 movie film. My conversion company can scan them at either regular HD or Blue Ray. I am seeing different opinions as to the equivalent resolution of 8 and super 8 film. Some sources clasim they have a potential resolution of 4000 lines. The Blue RAy can
theoretically produce images of 1080 lines. Question is if there will be any difference between my making a regular HD DVD or a Blue Ray disc? The only obvious difference I can predict is that the Blue Ray disc will fill my 50 inch high def plasma TV, whereas the regular HD DVD will not.

I now have some experience using the AVS4 Video Editor on regular DVD's. I am concerned that there might be handling problems with the increased capacity of editing a Blue Ray disc. Blue Ray's can be made in either MPEG-2, H.264, or VC-1, If I am given a choice, I think the MPEG-2 is the most adaptable format,
although I believe the AVS4 editor can handle all three. I also am hoping that all the features like adding chapters will work with a Blue Ray.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
06.02.12 08:05:57
To: sherwindu


Note, AVS4YOU software doesn't support and is unable to create HD DVD. However, using AVS Video Editor you can produce video in the Blu-Ray format with H.264 or MPEG-2 codec. If you decide to use Blu-Ray format please follow our instructions:

Best regards.
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