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Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
31.01.12 08:42:07
I extracted some movie video months ago, edited it, and produced a DVD.

Recently, I extracted more video from the same source, edited it, and tried to produce a DVD. All I was able to retrieve
was the text titles I had inserted. What happened to the video portions?

If it was just a setting or proceedure error, can I somehow retrieve the edited data from either the DVD I tried to burn
or an identical file I put on my hard disc? I have a BUP file of 12 KB, a IFO file of 12 KB, and a VOB file of 11.4 MB. My
original source DVD has 2.59 GB of which I was trying to extract about half in both cases. I should have seen VOB's
of about half a gig on my latest output.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
01.02.12 09:34:35
To: sherwindu

I have tried several more times to create an edited dvd. What happens is that after I get all the video clips and text titles on the timeline and then
go to the produce option, the videos and text are all squished down to a few minutes, and all that can be retrieved are the text titles. At some point,
I have to remove the source disk to replace it with the target disc and that may be the point where things get squished down. On small test samples of
this editing, I seem to be able to save the video and titles to my hard drive. Doing a full half hour transfer is what is not working.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
01.02.12 09:41:12
To: sherwindu

I should add that prior to my latest testing and efforts, I updated the Video Editor software to the
latest versions on the AVS4YOU web site. It did not make a difference, in this case.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
02.02.12 06:05:07
To: sherwindu

It took some persistance and I ruined several DVD's, but I managed to get my movie recorded.

There were two major difficulties:

1) Trying to do this burn with one DVD drive did not work for me. No matter at what stage I tried to remove the source DVD,
as soon as the tray was opened, the video info and text info collapsed to a few minutes. Fortunately, I have a second drive,
so the solution was to leave the source disc in one drive and put a blank DVD in my second drive. That kept the clips intact
and allowed a proper burn to the blank DVD.

2) My text inserts were jumping all over the place. I had to either renew them, or drag them from a time point later in the timeline,
lining them up with a blank area left by the original text insert. This could have been due to mistakes in activating either the
text time line or the video time line while trying to reduce the length of the text insert. It's very easy to make kind of mistake,
or maybe something else caused this strange phenomenon. I will always check my text messages before producing to make
sure they are still intact.

I did not find anything in the help section that covered either of these two difficulties, so either my setup is unique, or these are
bugs in the software or proceedures that should be fixed and explained.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
02.02.12 09:46:53
To: sherwindu


Your request is processed at our Support System http://support.avs4you.com

Best regards.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
04.02.12 02:56:25
To: Lex

Support has replied to my problems and explained what I experienced.

However, my labors would have been shortened if the editing process were more clearly explained. I thought the videos I imported were kept for me in a temp file on my hard drive. I'm being told that is not the case. The imported files content is only found on the source DVD, so removing it causes the edited
version to disappear. I suppose one work around is to first copy the source video to your hard drive and work from that. Not very convenient. This would
be necessary if one had only a single DVD drive, or if one wanted to combine the material from more than one DVD. This all makes for extra work and bookkeeping to keep track of these temporary sources. I don't know if other Video Editors work in this fashion, but it is not a desirable feature.

My concerns about shifting text were never answered, but I hope careful manipulation of text titles, like reducing their size, will cure that problem.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
05.02.12 11:37:23
To: sherwindu


Please specify what type of the text you use. Specify what parameters you select. Attach a screenshot of the text. Specify whether the issue persists on the converted file.

Best regards.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
06.02.12 07:41:42
To: Lex

I'm not sure what you mean by type of text. I was using the built in titles and modifying them to reflect different verbiage. The screen shot is difficult to reproduce. I can say that the text initially looks and plays ok on the timeline. In the process of editing the text by cutting down it's duration, I may have caused a problem by sliding the text time line first, but then folllowing this by sliding the video time line indiicator to reflect the shortened titile. I think I should
have just slid the video timeline indiicator, which should have collapsed the title duration at the same time. The resulting loss of titles persisted in the converted
file. I then corrected the titles by either reentering them or sliding them into their proper positions on the video timeline. Once corrected, the titiles came out fine.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
06.02.12 07:55:54
To: sherwindu

Good job,Sherwin *SUPER*
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