To: sherwindu
It took some persistance and I ruined several DVD's, but I managed to get my movie recorded.
There were two major difficulties:
1) Trying to do this burn with one DVD drive did not work for me. No matter at what stage I tried to remove the source DVD,
as soon as the tray was opened, the video info and text info collapsed to a few minutes. Fortunately, I have a second drive,
so the solution was to leave the source disc in one drive and put a blank DVD in my second drive. That kept the clips intact
and allowed a proper burn to the blank DVD.
2) My text inserts were jumping all over the place. I had to either renew them, or drag them from a time point later in the timeline,
lining them up with a blank area left by the original text insert. This could have been due to mistakes in activating either the
text time line or the video time line while trying to reduce the length of the text insert. It's very easy to make kind of mistake,
or maybe something else caused this strange phenomenon. I will always check my text messages before producing to make
sure they are still intact.
I did not find anything in the help section that covered either of these two difficulties, so either my setup is unique, or these are
bugs in the software or proceedures that should be fixed and explained.