I sent an email to support a couple of days ago but haven't had a reply.
I bought AVS4YOU earlier in the year, but never used it as I don't really film videos and don't edit them - although have plans to maybe do more in the future. I did video a couple of things and a few days ago had the idea that I should edit one and put it on youtube - so then I finally had a proper go with my AVS4YOU software. The whole evening it kept crashing. I think it crashed about 10 times and completed wasted my whole evening. It would go super-slow and not respond, I would have to wait for ages. Then eventually it'd crash - before I'd saved anything - so then I had to start all over again. Gah. I wrote to support and have heard nothing back.
I saw a thread on here which mentioned downloading something - so I tried that and it hasn't crashed as much (but still did crash yesterday at one point. Today my friend told me he used iMovie - so I was tempted to quit AVS4YOU and just use iMovie - but then I discovered the quality wasn't so good after converting the mpeg to and mpeg-4.
Soooo... I thought I'd post on here. I use Vista - and I'm imagining that may be one reason it goes slow. But is there any way to get the video editor not being so big and bulky and slow and freezing and crashing? I was hoping I could get this video done fairly quickly but it seems that it takes an hour just to do each small step (ie. add a title).
Also, as I'm new to AVS4YOU, can someone explain how you add a scrolling intro at the start of a videoclip with audio while it's scrolling? I have watched some of the videos but every time I put the text onto the timeline it pushed the video back, and cut part of the start of the video out. I haven't yet got to the part where I want to add audio to go on the text as it has crashed every time before I've got to that point!
I wish it was allowed for us to use on more than one computer as then I could try it on my mac or my old XP computer to see if it is as slow on something that doesn't have Vista on it. I don't want to pay for a second copy when I can't even use the first properly!