I'm having LOTS of trouble with Adding Text to my video. Actually, ADDING a Text Box is easy but editing the darned thing is terribly difficult.
I've got the latest update of the Video Editor
The issue is that when I go to edit the text (regardless of whether it's the first Text Screen (the one that reads TEXT)) or any other form, when I double-click to Edit the words, the text splits in odd ways.
I'm including two pictures (1 - Before I click the text box and 2 - After I click the text box). Please note: I realize that the Text box shown in these pics are ones that I've chosen to ADD but the same issue occurs if I simply use the standard Text box that appears.
Also, the same problem exists with ANY and ALL of the templates that have editable characters.
I've both restarted and rebooted my machine to see if that corrected the situation. Obviously it did not. I've also turned off (temporarily) ALL Malware/Spyware software to no avail.
Help please!
Pastor Lonnie