To: Vlad
It's not animated, it's just a logo that I was asked to use in the project for the title and credit pages to give recognition to the company. I just downloaded AVS4you last Wednesday 6/22/11, I didn't see any new updates available on the website. The rest of the images that I put on the powerpoint that were taken as screen shots worked fine, I'm not sure if that's helpful information or not?
Unrelated question, is there a way to do an outline of text as a separate slide on AVS4you that won't turn out pixelated/blurry when converted to.wmv? Also, each of the videos that I'm creating have to use the logo that is in the beginning of the powerpoint attached below, is there an easier way of making my own credit page using that logo and text? I didn't see a thread dedicated to those questions, but if there is one, can you link me to it?
Thanks so much for your help!