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Posts: 2
Registered: 18.02.2010
17.05.11 21:19:49
(I searched this here, but the threads were too old ) I have also, looked into this in the FAQs for AVS Video Editor.
One of those older topic threads gave an image, on how to lock the audio line. The image shows how to click the
lock down next to the audio line. I've "loved" this one for over a year now. WHAT audio track?? Sure the line is there. But I never have an audio track visible there, unless I add one !
......Just today, I could work with audio track - applying effects, etc. That's not the problem. I want to SEE the audio separate from the video, and be able to lock the audio line. This way I can make cuts to the video in attempt to re-sync the two. So, as last resort I used another app to rip the audio from the video. Now..... I re-import the video to AVS Editor. I choose AUDIO to go in and drop the gain low as it will go, to make it irrelevant. ( rem; I'm wanting to resync the audio and video ) .......... this is where it gets maddening.
>> IF I load the video first , then add the ripped audio down on the audio line, I may be able to lock that new audio. Of course, now I cant EDIT the track.
It's locked !
>>>> so, I'll unlock the audio, but lock the video instead, and mess with the audio track to do the syncing. Sorry!
Cant lock the video line !! It's greyed out and is never an option.!!
.... Still nuttier; If I load the audio track first. then import and drop the video into the video line- that audio I just added, it's GONE! Vanished ! I tried it over and over. And btw, reason I'm having to go to any extent trying to resync the A/V... because I've done some video enhancements, using AVS V.Editor, and the resulting file was out of sync.
I run into so many glitches and frustrations with mostly the AVS4YOU video apps, that I haven't got the time
and energy to sit down here and seek out solutions. Neither should we have to. Most "user friendly" programs ,
you can find your way around. Learn by trial and error. But if the error is ingrained in the program, you lose tons of
time and then have to waste more seeking help.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
19.05.11 01:59:57
To: mrlewp88


Unfortunately, video line (it is main video line on Timeline) cannot be locked. However, not sure what is the problem exactly... You can lock audio line and cut video scenes as you need, audio will not be affected. And you can select audio line, cut it and mail video line will not be affected. What is wrong there?

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