Four things:
In AVS Video Editor:
1. How do I zoom a time line feature vertically?
2. How do I stop a text and/or a text with image from fading in and out? It seems that no matter what I do, it always fades in and out, but sometimes I don't want it to. When you click on fade in or fade out, there is no verification whether you've enabled or disabled the fade in or fade out feature!
3. After I "Produce" my video, sometimes the audio will not play either at all, or until I click on the "timeline" of the finished product, especially if watching on Windows Media Player. This is especially true if I "Produce" an AVI file for HD YouTube. I'm trying to do videos for YouTube which wil also get embeded onto my website at [URL=]www.JimmyFlynn.net.
4. Can I change the background on a text to a different color such as white? Right now it seems I have no option other than black.
Thank you. I am so glad I found you guys. Windows Movie Maker is terrible....it doesn't even read most video files I have!
Jimmy Flynn
1-216-990-2793 (USA)