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Posts: 3
Registered: 22.12.2010
22.12.10 23:48:20
i have convert some files from mp3 to wma and burn on CD, the player refuse to play it
what is wrong
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
24.12.10 06:48:18
To: alaoui


Does your CD player supports wma format?

I would recommend you to use AVS Disc Creator and Create Audio CD function to burn discs from your mp3 or wma files.

Posts: 3
Registered: 22.12.2010
27.12.10 06:31:01
tha't whta i have done, it works perfect Thank you,
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
27.12.10 06:49:52
To: alaoui

you are welcome:)
Posts: 3
Registered: 22.12.2010
29.12.10 08:41:29
after editing in video editor, if you save the project, how can you find it again, cause i loosed the project, or does Avs video save the file automaticly somewhere in the hard disc.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
02.01.11 07:04:39
To: alaoui


You can save your project following menu File using option Save As in AVS Video Editor, it will be possible to choose location of saved project. In Edit>Settings>General, you can enable auto save for you projects. Find other details here.

Please do not post offtop, if you have questions defferent from the discussed topic, please post in related topics or create new ones.

Posts: 1
Registered: 20.05.2011
20.05.11 07:53:51
Is there anyway you can add a feature in Audio Converter that converts a MP3 file to (also) MP3 but with a header to fool MS Power Point (MS PPT) that it is a WAV file. This is for Power Point audio: MS Power Point embeds only the WAV format.

Right now, I use the CDex freeware for such conversion. It only can add a "header" to a MP3 file to fool MS PPT that the file is a WAV file. MP3 files have much smaller size than the WAV files, therefore the size of the MS PPT files. Smaller files can easily be distributed via emails. One can have an option not to embed the audio file. But then he/she has to email both the PPT file and the audio file. This is very inconvenient.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
23.05.11 07:38:55
To: tien.pham42@yahoo.com

Unfortunately, there is no such option in AVS Audio Converter. However, you may try selecting lower quality output settings for convertsion to wav and thus create small wav files.
Posts: 1
Registered: 30.07.2011
31.07.11 00:03:37
To: tien.pham42@yahoo.com

If you convert the MP3 to MICROSOFT ADPCM, the file will be a little larger than MP3. Don't be afraid of that format being only 4 bit. It works differently to PCM. The signal to noise is probably a little worse than PCM (WAV) but it will be saved as a .WAV file. The format of PCM has 7 bits to describe the voltage at any given point of time and i.e. 128 points per half cycle or 256 points per full cycle. The eigth bit tell it if the polarity is positive or negative.

The ADPCM format (Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation) works differently. Three bits define the rate of rise or fall of a waveform and the fourth bit defines the polarity. ADPCM can be converted to PCM and back without significant loss of fidelity, (something MP3 cannot do) although I suspect a loss of signal to noise. A single coversion in your case will have no noticeable problems.

Posts: 1
Registered: 23.08.2011
23.08.11 18:45:39
I downloaded the AVS4YOU software navigator and since doing that my MP3 files which had MP3 written on them before as MP3s are have now turned to white and wont play as MP3s. I have many MP3s saved on my computer and they have all been affected, how can i change them all back to their original form without having to convery each file individually into an mp3 again. I am able to lisen to the audio on audacity but i want to have my MP3 files back as they were. Please help me many thanks. P.s I hope i am backing sense
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
24.08.11 10:26:22
To: emaan


Please specify what you mean by " MP3s are have now turned to white and wont play as MP3s" Specify what AVS4YOU software,except for AVS4YOU Software Navigator, you have installed. Specify what player you use to play back MP3 files.

Best regards.
Posts: 3
Registered: 14.11.2011
14.11.11 19:30:44
Hello. I have used the software for a while now on Windows 7 with no issues. Now when I play back files they have no sound in both Audio and Video playback. When I open and play them in any other format they work fine. For instance I am listening to an MP3 that will show is playing back in audio and video interface with no sound. Here is the file attached. So again this file plays just fine in windows but not in AVS4u. Please help and let me know if there is additional info.
Attached files:
Posts: 3
Registered: 14.11.2011
14.11.11 19:34:02
To: Fresh_Squirell
PS: I just removed and reinstalled the whole thing and it still does not work. Thanks
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
15.11.11 12:01:07
To: Fresh_Squirell


Please open Tools>Options>Playback tab in AVS Audio Editor. Make sure that your sound card is selected in Device option and Volume value is not reduced to Zero.

If it does hot help, please try to remember after what actions the sound in AVS Audio Editor dissapeared? Had not you install any audio software or codecs before, changed hardware?

Also, please specify the model of your audio card. Don't you have two audio cards?

Best regards.
Posts: 3
Registered: 14.11.2011
29.11.11 20:12:21
To: Vlad

Vlad. Thanks for your reply. When I went into Control Panel Sounds I saw the speakers I have attached are taking priority as the output. I matched them up in to the value in the play back tab and it now works. Thanks again.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
01.12.11 06:25:09
To: Fresh_Squirell

Ok. I'm glad that you managed to solve the problem.
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