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Posts: 1
Registered: 24.08.2010
24.08.10 23:10:09
I installed the antivirus program version on a windows xp sp3 computer , but never could
get the window to resize correctly, i had changed it to the suggested size by tech support for the other
avs programs, but it cut the full screen in half, i never could reach the left settings button and such, and it did not have
a scroll bar on the top or bottom, is there a work around for this?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
27.08.10 00:25:40
To: lillonewolf12

We apologize for the late reply.

Could you please give more details about the problem. Do you use AVS Firewall on a netbook? Which display resolution does it have?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Posts: 21
Registered: 14.05.2012
17.05.12 02:42:15
It is possible that you are just using a netbook which is possible that the window cuts in half.
Posts: 12
Registered: 16.07.2017
18.07.17 14:25:43
Try this method here , right click the file , go to properties , select the tab that said "shortcut" and select the dropdown that saids normal window and select maximized. Another way is try to go the last part of the directory and add -windowed on the directory.

Kindly regards.
Posts: 2
Registered: 03.10.2019
09.01.20 10:34:06
Try this method here , right click the file , go to properties , select the tab that said "shortcut" and select the dropdown that saids normal window and select maximized. Another way is try to go the last part of the directory and add -windowed on the directory.

Kindly regards.


Thank you so much for sharing this helpful information, it helped me alot

Thanks and regards.:)
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