I decrypted the m2ts files from the Watchmen BD. At first I was trying to open the index.bdmv file, but that was giving me a "Range Check Error" message, so I moved on to just the m2ts files.
The m2ts files have 2 video streams. When I open them in VLC, both streams play. One stream is black most of the time, with occasional "making of" type imagery. The other is the movie. Video Converter is just playing from the former, but is picking the right audio stream. There is no dropdown box under the Advanced menu for me to select the video stream.
I have three options, any of which I would love to happen:
A) Is there a fix for Video Converter that makes it so I can open the index.bdmv file (this is how I usually get the video tracks/streams dropdown.)
B) Is there some way to either force VC to use the other video stream, or to force it to detect it so that I can choose it?
C) Is there some way to split the file into separate streams with another program?
I can upload either some original m2ts files (2 MB to 6 GB) or the joined file (joined using TSSplitter, 35 GB) to a file server if this would help debugging.
Thanks for the help!