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Posts: 14
Registered: 12.08.2008
15.07.10 06:18:39
I start with AVS Video Remaker to clean my recorded movies (NO reconversion and unfortunately no save-option of the project for later reuse) and then AVS DVD-Authoring to make the final video, existing of multiple movies . At the end of this process, you unfortunately find out that the volume of all used mpeg movies need to be amplified. To my knowledge there is no way to achieve this with Video Remaker and DVD-Authoring. This means I need to start completely at the beginning with the sourcefiles, use at first Audio or Video Editor followed by Remaker and Authoring: be careful to set the right setting for the video streaming bits since you do not want to have multiple video reconversions! This solution means a lot of hours has been wasted and no reuse of the Authoring project could be used.

There had to be another and easier way, I hope?

Suggestion: add volume amplify (and normalization?) within DVD-Authoring?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
16.07.10 13:07:36
To: hans29


Actually, AVS DVD Authoring software is intended just to create DVD menu, not to cut scenes and edit audio tracks.

It is possible to cut scenes and add Amplify audio effect in AVS Video Editor and in AVS Video Converter. In both programs you can also create DVD menu for your movies and save it to DVD disc. Perhaps, it suits you.

Posts: 14
Registered: 12.08.2008
17.07.10 14:13:52

Yes, I agree with the statement that the AVS Authoring software is not for cut scenes and sophisticated edit of audio tracks. I am also aware of the other solutions. But the sophisticated way the AVS Authoring software makes a menu is great and not comparable with the other programs mentioned, eg music at menus and movies as background.

Indeed I can use Video Editor to amplify audio effect per source-file and save it as an mpeg PAL-6000kbps file, so conversion of the video will always take place. But when you include all new files in the AVS Authoring software, again a conversion will be executed to generate the DVD-layout. So a double conversion takes place and that means the quality will diminish, isn't? How about AVS Audio Editor, can this one help?

Why not include only audio normalization in the AVS Authoring software for the whole movie, after all conversion will already happen?

So the question is: if my source files has a volume too low and I want to use the AVS Authoring software to create a DVD, what can AVS4YOU offer me to keep the highest quality eg only one conversion is needed?

Best regards, Hans29
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
19.07.10 04:08:54
To: hans29

Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately for now it is not possible to edit audio in AVS DVD Authoring.
You will need to use AVS Video Editor or AVS Video Converter to amplify sound of your video file.

Several convertions may inlfuence the quality of the output file. To get the highest quality of the video after the reconvertion you can try to set the parameters of the output file to be the same with the input (such parameters as video bitrate, frame rate, frame size). If you use AVS Video Converter, you need to press the Advanced button - File Information tab to check the settings of the input and output files. To edit the output file settings please press the Edit Profile button.

Best regards
Posts: 14
Registered: 12.08.2008
08.08.10 13:36:13
To: Nat

With AVS Video Editor and AVS Video Converter you can indeed normalize the video and are working fine on my testfiles.

With Video Converter you can't save your project, I can see why, as it is positioned as a one-run-tool.

With Video Editor you can indeed save your project, like the earlier versions of Video Remaker, with a lot more editor-possibilities.
But you can't save the "split"-video in separated files? Should be really nice as interim files for input to AVS DVD Authoring. When will this be possible?

If you save a project within Video Editor, it's unfortunately before you execute "Save Movie". Why can't you save the configuration of the output of "Save Movie" in the project, should be handy when you create a menu and changed for example the background?

The Video menu only generates two chapter's per chapter page, while other AVS-tools go to four per page? Or perhaps configurable?

Best regards.

PS is there any roadmap of your tools? I like the tools, but I am a little lost when to use what program without loosing quality.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
10.08.10 03:38:16

Thank you for the comment about our programs and suggesting features that you would like to have in them. I will forward all your feedback to our developers.

In current AVS Video Editor you can indeed create two chapters per page, as it is intended to create simple DVD menu's.

As for the roadmap for AVS4YOU software, you can find the overview of all our programs on our website www.avs4you.com. I would also recommend you to use our help manuals which can be found on our Online Help website. There you can find the detailed instructions how to use our programs and features they have. You can also use our Guides Library as well where you can find step-by-step guides showing how to perform a certain task with AVS software.

Best regards.
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