I just tried the defective disc to play in my laptop, and it would not play at all, whereas in my dvd player it will play somewhat. Store bought movies play fine in both laptop and dvd player. It turned out every movie I burned (about) 5o of them, is having this problem the freezing. I have tried other software too, with about 80 percent failure rate, throwing away discs, too for being ruined. I am at the height of my frustration with this. Vlad, this is what I plan to do. Wipe my hard drive completely clean, and replace the burner altogether. Please consult Nadin, for my problem is ongoing, and I did not notice the screen freezing on all my videos until later. Let me know directly my answer at hicksbryan9@live.com. I am asking you if I will have a problem getting the software back once I wipe clean the hard drive, and if you think it will be effective. ]