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Posts: 17
Registered: 20.02.2010
20.02.10 17:38:19
I am learning to use version 4.2 of the editor, and needed help. The Help description and screen images did not match what I see in the actual program. This can be very confusing for a newbie like me. Is there an updated "...Help.chm" file available to match reality? (The topic which I am working on is the trim function.)
Support Manager
Posts: 166
Registered: 08.07.2008
21.02.10 06:53:45
To: gdrenkes

Specify please the section that doesn't much.
We will correct the mismatch as soon as possible.
Posts: 17
Registered: 20.02.2010
23.02.10 13:43:28
To: Al

This pertained to the "Multi Trim" operation.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
24.02.10 03:46:53
To: gdrenkes

Please use the instructions provided on the following page.
Also the PDF document available for download there is up-to-date.

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