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Posts: 25
Registered: 13.01.2009
12.01.10 10:45:40
Some very desirable additions to AVS Video Editor 4's aready impressive capabilitie woud include:

1) A mechanism to apply to video overlays the effects -- e. g., blur, TV Simulation, Grey Out, etc. -- presently applicable only to the main video. For still-image overlays, this is doable using an external photo editor, but a) that's no help with video clip overlays, and b) it would greatly simplify matters to be able to work directly within the AVS Video Editor.

2) A mechanism to "soften" the edges of an overlay's containing rectangle so that the overlaid image "blends" more naturally with an underlying main video. Hard edges work for simple picture-in-picture situations, but I'm thinking of occasions where an overlay emerges as a sort of floating "dream sequence" within an area of the main video. A reasonably good workaround to do this for still image overlays uses Chromakey, but that works less well for video clip overlays.

3) A single "point trajectory" and mechanisms within the Video Overlay Editor window to textually specify exact trajectory timestamp "event" attributes. For example, I sometimes create a "blooming" overlay effect thus:
-> drag a straight line trajectory onto the preview window
-> insert timestamps along the trajectory to mark trajectory "events"
-> drag each timestamp point in turn to overlie the trajectory start
-> drag this "stacked" trajectory to a desired screen location
-> stepwise increase or decrease overlay size and/or angle at each successive timestamp

The resultant overlay appears to bloom from (or recede into) a single point within the video frame. It can be quite impressive but, because the timestamps must be marked on the initial trajectory before it's collapsed and relocated as described, the method is tedious and, because achied graphically, prone to imprecision and uneven progression.
If the initial trajectory is "collapsed" to a point before marking intermediate timestamps, the editor disallows adding timestamps, apparently because new ones would implicity lie outside the default start/end timestamps. Textually entering timestamp attributes could avoid problem. One implementation might be managing trajectory "events" via a "list" -type control capable of accepting insertions/deletions with newly inserted timestamps' settings defaulting to those of its existing immediate predecessor. Double-clicking a list member would open a dialog to display/edit its settings for
-> temporal offset from overlay onset (absolute or percentage)
-> X/Y location relative to a main video frame reference (.e. g., upper left corner) where the overlay should be centered
-> overlay size in some useful metric (e. g., pixels or positive nonzero percentage of overall video frame size)
-> +/- degrees (mod 360) of rotation angle from "rightside up,"
-> ideally, transparency would also be a modifiable setting linkable to trajectory timestamps, enabling a sort of "winking" effect
Rate/direction of size/angle(/transparency) change would remain, as now, implicit in time/size/angle(/transpaerncy) differences between successive timestamps' settings.

4) Even without any of the foregoing, some metrical display of the (fixed or initial) X/Y placement position of overlay objects (texts, graphics, images, clips, etc.) relative to a main frame reference would be extremly useful. The grid is helpful but imprecise.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
15.01.10 00:42:56
To: stanwhjr

We appreciate that you have devoted your time to posting your suggestions on our forum and thank you for your interest in improving AVS Video Editor. I will hand your suggestions along to our developers and they will consider implementing them.

There is one thing among your comments that we would like to clarify:
If the initial trajectory is "collapsed" to a point before marking intermediate timestamps, the editor disallows adding timestamps, apparently because new ones would implicity lie outside the default start/end timestamps.
Actually the options available under trajectory settings allow you to add and edit timestamps at any point of the trajectory path. Could you please explain what you mean under "the editor disallows adding timestamps" in more detail, as it is not quite clear.

Best regards
Posts: 25
Registered: 13.01.2009
16.01.10 15:39:13
To: stanwhjr

We appreciate that you have devoted your time to posting your suggestions on our forum and thank you for your interest in improving AVS Video Editor. I will hand your suggestions along to our developers and they will consider implementing them.

There is one thing among your comments that we would like to clarify:
If the initial trajectory is "collapsed" to a point before marking intermediate timestamps, the editor disallows adding timestamps, apparently because new ones would implicity lie outside the default start/end timestamps.
Actually the options available under trajectory settings allow you to add and edit timestamps at any point of the trajectory path. Could you please explain what you mean under "the editor disallows adding timestamps" in more detail, as it is not quite clear.

Best regards

Maybe I missed something, but if I have "collapsed" the trajectoy to a sing point by dragging its endpoint along its path to overlap its startpoint (or vice versa), then posiitoned the timeline cursor at intermediate points along the timeline and clicked the "+" to insert a timestam at that point, the progam simply doesn't do it. No error message was issued, just no timestamp was added. This isn't an insurmoutable problem as I can first place the needed timestamps as described in my earlier message, then collapse the trajectory to a point. Having done that and gotten the timestamps to erxist at all, then I can select them by number and even move the selected oen on the edit window timeline. A simple workaround, but a little cumbersome.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
19.01.10 00:17:10
if I have "collapsed" the trajectoy to a sing point by dragging its endpoint along its path to overlap its startpoint (or vice versa), then posiitoned the timeline cursor at intermediate points along the timeline and clicked the "+" to insert a timestam at that point, the progam simply doesn't do it. No error message was issued, just no timestamp was added.
We have not managed to reproduce this issue. Could you provide screenshots to better explain the problem.

Thank you
Experienced User
Posts: 25
Registered: 22.02.2010
22.02.10 14:12:53
I LOVE the video overlay option. This will be really handy with making some cool videos for my wife's classroom. However, I'd love to be able to do video effects on the overlays just like I do I the "main" video.

For instance I just did a picture "slide show" type video where each video faded to the next as part of a story. I made the pics Sepia. Then I overlayed a couple of other pics for added effect, but there isn't an easy way to do the sepia effect on the overlaid pictures.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
24.02.10 00:32:14
To: seateabee@gmail.com

Thank you. We'll add this functionality in the next version of the program.

Posts: 31
Registered: 17.10.2010
17.11.10 16:50:40
It would be nice to be able to apply effects to an overlay object. Of course there is a woprkaround, which is to load up the overlay seperately on the main line, and apply effects to there, and then produce just that as a new video. But if you could just pull down an effect directly into the overlay (maybe only one effect per overlay) like you can to a clip on the main line, that would be very convenient.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
19.11.10 03:57:17
To: LauraEss

Thanks. The suggestion accepted!
Posts: 1
Registered: 23.04.2011
23.04.11 07:05:15
AVS Video Editor would be a lot better if you could add effects to the Video Overlay, just like you can for the Main Video.

Also it would be great if you could add more than one Chroma Key effect to each clip.

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
26.04.11 01:01:41
To: flobbinhood0

Thanks. I will forward your suggestion to our developers.
Posts: 12
Registered: 10.10.2013
17.10.13 10:54:34
Hi there

so it's now 2 years since users asked for the ability to apply effects to overlays - and still not added!

I really like this editor - but have found it unusable for actual projects because of this - we would then also be able to ignore the main video line and it's limitations

what a shame

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.10.13 11:19:11
To: mickwest1

Dear Mick,

We are sorry for any inconvenices, our developers are working on this option now and it soon will be implemented.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 74
Registered: 15.09.2014
17.10.14 17:36:01
I'd like to give this a +1 please.
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