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Posts: 3
Registered: 22.07.2008
22.07.08 07:56:13

I recently purchased ASV4YOU unlimitted license mainly for using AVS DVD Authoring.
When trying to compile a DVD, I get an error message after quite a long time of compile on title 1.
I decided to delete this title and recompile and the get an error onto title 3.

I double checked that al necesssary data exist (images, video, audio).

Does anyone know where to get logfiles from, because I really need to figure out what is the issue and complete those DVD soon. I did not get news from the support team yet (form posted on july 19th though).

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
23.07.08 00:55:48
To: pascal.billy@gmail.com

Hello Pascal,

To solve this issue, we need more information about the error.
So, please try to provide us with the following information:

- specify the format of the file you are trying to use and its origin;
- specify at what moment the error occurs
- attach the error print screen

Hope to hear from you soon.
Posts: 3
Registered: 22.07.2008
23.07.08 13:46:41
To: Dam

Hello Dam,

- specify the format of the file you are trying to use and its origin;

1. MPEG2 files shooted with JVC Everio hard disk camera (ref. GZ-MG67-A)
2. MPEG generated with AVS Video Editor (slideshows)
3. MP3 sound files downloaded on the web (free licensing)
4. JPEG images used as background (CANON IXY camera)

You'll find atteched with this post, headers of this files (generated with GSpot)

- specify at what moment the error occurs

See original message posted on the support form below.

- attach the error print screen

See original message posted on the support form below.

Here is my original message, project files and snapshots will be found in the zip file attached.

Hello, I recently purchased AVS4YOU unlimitted license and I am experiencing blocking issues with AVS DVD Authoring while compiling my DVD project. An error message appear on title "Zoo" (1st title): "Compile project error. Please contact our support team." (please note this is a translation from the french error message).

I then did 2 more tests each time deleting the title on which an error occured.

You'll find in the zip file attached the folowwing snapshots:
TEST 01: Error raised on original project on title "Zoo"
TEST 02: Same project with title "Zoo" deleted. Error occured on title "Plage" this time (3rd title of the original project)
TEST 03: Original project but tiltes "Zoo" and "Plage" deleted. Error occured on menu creation this time (later stage).

Hardware configuration:
DELL Inspiron 9100 Notebook
Windows XP Pro SP2
Free disk space = 5Go

Hope you have got enough information to fix the issue.


PS: I have read from the support posting form (http://support.avs4you.com/Support.aspx) that we could attache log files. Could please tell me where I can find/activate log files for AVS DVD Authoring.
Posts: 3
Registered: 22.07.2008
23.07.08 13:59:39
To: Dam

Seems the files were not attached. i try once more with this post. If not working, could you please send me your FTP connection detail.

Attached files:
219.26 KB
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
29.07.08 03:52:35
To: pascal.billy@gmail.com

Hello Pascal,

Thank you very much for the information and the files.

We restored your project you sent to us and we built the DVD without any problems. We also created a new project and there was no error either, except the message, that the audio file you sent to us is too short for the background music. So I succesfully created the project using all your files, except the audio file.

So, to solve the issue, please:
- reinstall the AVS DVD Authoring
- try to create the project without the background music
- make sure you create the project in the right way. You can launch DVD Authoring Project Wizard (start AVS DVD Authoring then File> Project Wizard (see the attachment) or follow this link to AVS Online Help for the detailed instructions.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Attached files:
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