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Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
24.07.09 05:22:40
Can I edit a .mov video clip, save the edited clip as .mov, and use the edited clip in a show I am making with Photodex Pro Show Gold?

The save options seem only to be "save project" or"save movie"; can I use a save project clip in the Pro Show Gold show?

If so, where would I find it? In what folder does the Video Editor keep edited clips?

I have version 4.2
Experienced User
Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
25.07.09 11:19:50
To: kendp@fastmail.fm

The answer to all your questions is YES. After editing choose Save Movie, click on File then MOV. Then choose a name for your file and scroll down to the destination folder where YOU want to save the new clip. You can then import it to any other program that will support a MOV file format.
Experienced User
Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
25.07.09 11:24:50
I have just looked at Pro Show Gold show, never having heard of it before and it looks as if it is a still photo slideshow program. Are you sure it will take a video clip?
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
26.07.09 05:32:30
Thanks very much mitchell65.

Yes, Pro Show Gold will use video clips in the .mov format, but it has no provision for editing clips. The particular show that I am working on now is mostly photos and only a couple of clips so I decided to use Pro Show Gold. Initially I had not planned to use any clips, but I now have a couple that I want to use. Since I had the photos all set up on Pro Show Gold, I didn't want to start over with AVS Video Editor, although I know I can, and have, made shows with it using both clips and photos. If I had clips at the begionning, it would have been my choice.

Again, thanks.
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
26.07.09 17:39:25
I did what you said, mitachell65, and it worked. Thanks again. I posted on YouTube the video made on ProShow Gold that includes video clips edited on the AVS Video Editor. Cabarete".


I don't kitesurf, but now wish I did. I got the fever when shooting photos for this video, but have probably reached the age where discretion is the better part of valor.
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Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
27.07.09 00:39:23
To: kendp

Many congratulations, very impressive. You have every right to be justifiably proud in this production. The YouTube quality is excellent. Just one very tiny point. I would not have chosed red as a font color! Dark font colors on a light background invariably look better. That aside congrats.
John Mitchell
You say "have probably reached the age where discretion is the better part of valor. "
I am well past the three score years and ten mark and I have just taken to light aircraft flying. With I might add a freind of mine who is older by 5 years than me!! When we are in the little Cessna aircraft we have a combined age of 149! If you want to do it "Have a go" We are only here once;-)
Support Manager
Posts: 87
Registered: 06.05.2008
27.07.09 06:02:01
I would not have chosed red as a font color! Dark font colors on a light background invariably look better.

+1 :-)

ps: excellent shots
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