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Posts: 13
Registered: 14.03.2010
26.03.10 15:07:48
Here is no any problems with my system configuration ... Same conversions I able to do without any problems with Nero 9...
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
30.03.10 03:29:43
To: mkas

Thank you for reporting the results.
Our developers are working on this problem and we will inform you when it is corrected.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 01.04.2010
01.04.10 12:33:54
To: nadin

Please let everyone know the solution, I also bought a i7 just for video conversion. Waiting 5 hours for our older quad to do the conversion is just crazy.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
05.04.10 07:57:21
To: MikeC


We will certainly release the solution on our forum as soon as it's ready.

Posts: 2
Registered: 09.04.2010
09.04.10 22:45:27
I'm using your Video Converter and attempting to convert an M2TS file to MKV (or AVI). I'm running it on a Windows 7 64-bit platform.

The input file loads fine, I can preview it. After I set the conversion setting and hit 'convert', the program uses 100% of my CPU (Intel i7 920) for about 1 minute, then the program crashes. I have 6gb of RAM installed, and it's not even using half of it, so it's not a RAM issue. I tried changing the process priority down from 'normal' to 'below normal', and the same thing happens. I've tried different M2TS files, same thing happens.

Any ideas?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
10.04.10 03:09:37
To: Blairinsf


There may be the problem in our software working with Intel i7 processor. To avoid the error please try converting your m2ts file in single-thread mode. You can choose single-thread mode in Settings option of AVS Video Converter, see the screenshot attached.

Attached files:
Posts: 2
Registered: 09.04.2010
10.04.10 11:36:37
To: Vlad

Thanks! I did see this thread after I posted, but it didn't fix anything. As a workaround, I'm using the Video Editor to re-encode m2ts to avi... then converting the avi to mkv with another program. It will work for now, but I lose the benefits of a direct conversion to mkv.

I hope Video Converter can get fixed soon!

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
12.04.10 03:09:36
To: BlairSF65

Thank you for your understanding. Our developers are working on the issue and we hope it will be solved soon.

In the meantime, have you tried my suggestion converting in single-thread mode?
Posts: 4
Registered: 24.03.2010
25.04.10 05:54:57
Hi sorry for the delayed reply. Yes the conversion does work in single thread but its so damn slow. Any news on a solution allowing multi-thread as fast video conversion is the main reason I built a fast computer?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
28.04.10 12:19:46
To: Jimmy

Thanks for getting back to us.

We do our best to solve the problem and we hope it will be fixed in the next version of AVS Video Converter.

Currently, the solution is conversion of m2ts videos in single- thread mode. For other file formats you can use multi-thread mode. Do you mainly use AVS Video Converter to convert m2ts files?
Posts: 4
Registered: 24.03.2010
07.05.10 10:49:50
To: Vlad
Yes pretty much only m2ts. No worries I'm working away for 5 months soon so assume that the next version will be ready by then?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
13.05.10 04:03:59
To: Jimmy

Yes, we are working on new version and I assume it will be ready by then.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
31.07.10 06:53:10
To: Vlad
I see that there has been a new release posted on 6/17/2010 V6.4.4.420. Does this version correct the issues with systems running using the Core i7 processors? I see in this forum that its suggested to use the single-thread mode to convert m2ts files, but the speed is lacking. Please advise...
Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
31.07.10 08:25:01
To: Vlad
I see that there has been a new release posted on 6/17/2010 V6.4.4.420. Does this version correct the issues with systems running using the Core i7 processors? I see in this forum that its suggested to use the single-thread mode to convert m2ts files, but the speed is lacking. Please advise...

Also, in a previous version, when using the MP4 conversion option, in the audio settings, there used to be the option for PS3 to set the audio using AC3 with 5.1 Channel. That no longer exists and only choice is MPEG2/4 Audio with Stereo. Not very awarding when using PS3 in a surround sound environment.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
04.08.10 01:18:50
To: jag33813


Sorry for the late reply.

There still can be problems converting some files on Core i7 in new version. How much m2ts files do you convert at once and what is their origin, location?

As for the preset for PS3 - there is the preset with surround sound, see the screenshot attached.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
04.08.10 04:37:54
To: Vlad
To answer your questions above, I only convert one m2ts file at a time, meaning that all my blu-ray backup m2ts are only one file for the entire movie. I always capture the "movie title" m2ts when backing up to hard drive. I have tried both options of converting from hard drive (HDD) to hard drive and from DVD drive to hard drive and I can use multi-thread when converting from DVD drive but only single thread when converting from HDD to HDD and still both options provide a result where there is jolting or jagged motion in the video.

For the preset, you forgot to attach the screenshot for me to see where this option resides. But within the preset for surround sound, what codec is being used?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
04.08.10 04:52:07
To: jag33813

My apologies. Here is the the screenshot.

This preset uses h.264 codec for video conversion and MPEG2/4 for audio conversion. Sorry, but our previous version did not have AC3 audio codec.

Attached files:
Posts: 5
Registered: 13.08.2010
13.08.10 07:50:01
I appear to have found a solution to the i7 not working that doesn't involve having to use only one thread... it's not a perfect solution [if in fact it is a solution, I have only converted one video since trying it, but it appears to have worked] , but it's better than single threaded, and should work until AVS can fix it in the next version. *fingers crossed*

All I did was go into task manager and set the affinity of the avs video converter application to use only cores 0, 2, 4, & 6. By alternating the cores selected my hope was to have one thread per core running, and that appears to have worked as well. It's not nearly as fast as a full i7, but it's MUCH better than single threaded.

Good Luck.
Posts: 5
Registered: 13.08.2010
13.08.10 12:15:30

Setting the affinity of the process to 4 cores did in fact work, and took a little less than six hours for a sizable 1080p video.

And wait, it gets better:

I have possibly found a solution for the entire problem allowing all 8 threads to work... but again, this one is only partially tested. I have a video going right now that is over 70% done and still going. I was looking at forums threads about the new laptop I just ordered, and people were having weird lockups with the i7 models. Apparently this and some other weird behavior was linked to power management and the i7 chips... I believe that if power options was set to performance instead of balanced, this could potentially alleviate the issue.

Like I said, just a theory... but I'm over 70% through another large process, and still going strong.

Once again, good luck.
Posts: 5
Registered: 13.08.2010
13.08.10 23:45:02
Well, it crashed again... it seems to have helped with stability, but has not fully resolved the issue
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