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Posts: 1
Registered: 08.08.2009
08.08.09 02:04:31
Thanks for the Speed*DANCE*

I just downloaded the newest version of the video editor and found the new speed feature. Thank you so much! I used to be doing a lot of work to get done what I now can do with a couple of mouse clicks.

The only thing is that it would have been nice if I had found out earlier that the new version was available.
Maybe a notification if new updates are available would be a nice feature.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
09.08.09 22:27:58
Dia Esoptron:
The only thing is that it would have been nice if I had found out earlier that the new version was available.
Maybe a notification if new updates are available would be a nice feature.

As a rule, we send newsletters to our customers as soon as new programs/versions are available. Alternatively, you can check up the news here on the forum (News/Announcements section).

BTW, if you have further suggestions concerning functionality of AVS Video Editor you are most welcome! ;-)
Posts: 2
Registered: 13.08.2009
13.08.09 01:12:36
I've begun using Video Editor 4 recently and it is doing a good job of creating DVDs from Sony HD camera M2TS files.

There are some things that either I cant find or are not in the software:

1. I cant select multiple objects in the video line - it would be good to be able to select a whole collection and delete/cut/copy/move them.

2. Taking the copy/move of objects a bit further, the ability to do this between projects (copy a section of a line from one project to another) would make handling large amounts of video a lot easier.

3. It would also help if you could create sub-folders for files in the media library.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
14.08.09 01:53:05
To: Sub

THANK YOU for the suggestions. They will be addressed to our developers. *SUPER*
Posts: 1
Registered: 13.08.2009
16.08.09 22:33:07
In addition to Sub remark No. 1;
it would be nice and importent to add an ability to change attributes (like duration) for multiple elements on the edit line. Thanks.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
17.08.09 00:16:34
yair friedman:
it would be nice and importent to add an ability to change attributes (like duration) for multiple elements on the edit line.
Currently you can set default durations in the program, so that upon importing images/transitions they all have the pre-determined default duration set according to your wish. As for changing durations for multiple objects after adding them onto the timeline, we'll do our best to add this feature within future versions of the program.

Best regards
Experienced User
Posts: 119
Registered: 01.01.2009
23.08.09 04:15:19
To: alexunder

forgive me if I'm misunderstanding your problem, but you can lock the tracks you don't want to be affected by edits.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
23.08.09 22:46:13
To: jcthomson

You must be referring to a problem we had in the previous version of AVS Video Editor (4.1). It has been corrected, so now there is an option to lock lines.
Posts: 2
Registered: 13.08.2009
29.08.09 00:17:01
Further to my previous message regarding move/copy between projects:

Have a media folder that contains 'snippets' of objects (that is, a section/segment of video/audio/effects) that have been created in the timeline. This would provide a means for 'saving' a 'snippet', and could be re-used between projects, using the drag and drop capability like the video and audio currently does.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
31.08.09 00:04:14
To: Sub

Thanks a lot! ;-)
Posts: 1
Registered: 15.09.2009
15.09.09 14:39:15
yair friedman:
In addition to Sub remark No. 1;
it would be nice and importent to add an ability to change attributes (like duration) for multiple elements on the edit line. Thanks.

I was pretty sure this could be done in the previous version.... wh in an "updatd" version has this vital control been taken out? Come on guys, I have a movie with about 190 slides and now have to cange the duration for each individually - I am desparate here guys!
Support Manager
Posts: 87
Registered: 06.05.2008
16.09.09 07:03:57
To: mlk


You can change duration before importing media files onto time line only:
Set default duration
The problem is that there is no way to select multiple objects on time line (and apply any attribute to all of them)
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
26.04.10 11:42:32
To: hbcsystem

You post has been moved to another topic. Please follow this link.
Posts: 5
Registered: 25.03.2010
05.05.10 03:09:24
hi nadin,

is there any way to select several frames from the Timeline/Storyboard Area and delete them all, and not doing it one by one.
its frustrating.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
06.05.10 05:48:01
To: gabi

For now this feature is not available, you can delete the frames one by one manually. But our developers are working on this issue now.
Posts: 5
Registered: 25.03.2010
11.05.10 06:00:59
plz, where is the ' speed up option' that you added to the video editor?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
13.05.10 00:28:59
To: gabi

You can find the detailed instructions following this link.
If you have any further questions feel free to ask.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 18.07.2011
08.08.11 13:51:44
I am using version 6 and I still cant select multiple objects. Ive tried all the obvious options to do this. I see that this problem was first raised in 2008! Thats 3 years ago now. Is this ever going to be resolved? Or should we just move on to some other software? That's a serious question.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
10.08.11 02:41:06
To: calimnet


Unfortunately,there is no possibility to select several objects at the Timeline/Storyboard.The feature is not developed for the moment. Please accept our apologises for the inconvenience.

Best regards.
Posts: 2
Registered: 14.10.2011
14.10.11 23:25:24
Would also like to be able to resize the work area.
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