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Posts: 10
Registered: 28.12.2008
29.12.08 04:55:18
I would also suggest adding ability to pan across a still image in your new version. The combination of pan a zoom can add a great deal of interest to a slideshow.
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
29.12.08 05:00:20
To: Carl Tongberg

Hello Carl,

Thank you for your suggestion. But can you precise it and describe it in the more detailed way? A screenshot will be much appreciated.

Best Regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 02.01.2009
02.01.09 07:52:39
Panning is allowing you to move the "Camera" back and forth across the photo (i.e. moving across the photo from left to right, top to bottom or diagonally) Zoom allows you to take typically older photo that were shot from a distance and zoom in close on the faces of the subjects.
Posts: 4
Registered: 30.01.2009
30.01.09 02:08:01
To: MrMAc

To: Carl Tongberg

Actually... All you need is the zoom video effect in Video Editor 3 or 4. Since you can Set Paramaters for the zoom extent, as well as the X and Y offset in the properties. Don't forget that you can also set the transition length (time it takes to zoom in on the picture). If you need to pan back and forth rather than just panning and zooming your way in or out you can add a second zoom effect to the same stack.

If you are using version 4 and you are new to that version of the editor you have to right click on the left hand side of the video effects line (where the icon is) and choose the add line option in order to stack more than one effect in the same time index.

Good Editing!!
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
09.02.09 02:26:25
All you need is the zoom video effect in Video Editor 3 or 4.

Zoom effect editing options really offer plenty of opportunities in regard to panning accross a still image. However, I will hand your suggestion over to our developers in order to consider the possibility of implementing this exact feature in the newest version of the program.

Anyway, thank you for your suggestion. We are looking forward to receiving any further feedbacks, as they help us to improve our software for good.

Best regards.
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
29.07.09 11:15:00
To: nadin

I just DL the beta slide show maker
it has TONS of features (transitions)
BUT, the one I like the BEST
is zoom and pan

(I can add a video I made if you like to view)

buy just try picasa (free from Google)
and use a folder of images and make a movie
they only have a few transitions
(fade/wipe/flip/dissolve etc)
but they DO have zoom and pan
really makes the sideshow come alive

also - it allows you to resort all the photos before you grab them and include them
( I know, I can grab them one at at time and drag onto timeline)
but that is not as efficient

just FYI
Support Manager
Posts: 87
Registered: 06.05.2008
30.07.09 00:44:43
the one I like the BEST
is zoom and pan

Hope we'll add panning in the next version (however the current one is beta )
There is only "fixed zoom" at this moment (right click on the foto>>edit)
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