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Posts: 15
Registered: 16.04.2017
22.09.17 16:29:31
Nearly any modern movie is in widescreen. Some older movies from old DVD's are in fullscreen. If you watch it on a modern television or on YouTube, there are black empty spaces on the right and left side. I have seen some video essayists on YouTube solve this by adding a blurry mirror effect on the two sides. I uploaded an example image here for reference: https://ibb.co/ngsJM5

The effect on the sides seem be what is happening in frame but larger and blurred. It removes the empty space. I have also seen this done on news programs. So, it seems like the most common fix for old video to look presentable in new formats. I am editing clips from an old movie on DVD now, and I would like to do this. How do I do this in AVS Video Editor?
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Posts: 41
Registered: 08.04.2016
25.09.17 11:18:52
To: nobodytooimportant


Thank you for contacting us.

You can actually do this with AVS Video Editor 8.0. Please follow the steps below:

1. Drop your input video on the timeline of AVS Video Editor => click the Project Aspect Ratio button under the preview area => choose 16 x 9.

2. You will need to apply two video effects simultaneously, so right-click the Line for video effects on the timeline => Add Line.

3. Click the Video Effects button => drag & drop the Zoom effect on the first line for video effects => right-click it => Edit Effect => move the Zoom slider so that there are no black borders on left and right sides of the video => OK.

3. Drag & drop the Gaussian Blur video effect on the second line for video effects.

4. Here you will need to drag & drop your video from the media library once again, but this time to the Line for video overlays => right-click it => Edit Overlay => drag the boundaries of the video until it reaches the desired size => OK.

5. When you finish editing your video, click the Produce button to save it.

We hope you find these comments helpful.

Let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Kind regards
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