The maximum of entrys in the timeline seems limited to 1500, this is not enough for timelapse.
The media importer should be multi threaded and should work in background.
The timeline import seems to fire some visual refresh events for the timeline, which are useless as long the import is working.
The internal data storage seems to be based on XML, which waste a lot of time to manage, you should move to a database.
The imported media files seems not to be saved in the project file, as long i add them not to the timeline. (bad if the program terminates with an error)
The error handling is as bad as possible, after an error which was shown for less than a second, hangs the program.
The AVSVideoConverterHost is not (enough) optimized. It seems that for every single timeline entry will be a new worker thread created and destroyed. that waste a lot of CPU only for the thread handling.
Guys, it seems that PNs here are not possible. However, we should find another way to talk to each other.