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Posts: 6
Registered: 06.10.2015
06.10.15 07:39:32
...My original footage is 1920 * 1080 @ 60 FPS...
It looks like THIS:

and then, I process the video using THESE settings, which have NEVER done this to me before:

and somehow I magically get this piece of garbage...

......Someone care to explain this to me? Because, I've been working on this for 3 days now, for a buddy of mine who's paying me to do this, and I'm getting pretty pissed off over here, because this program isn't doing what it was 1 week ago under the EXACT SAME specifications/export presets.
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Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
07.10.15 14:53:50
To: nikkolaus

Dear user,

Please select the input file bitrate for the output and produce video.

Inform about the result please.

Kind regards.
Posts: 6
Registered: 06.10.2015
07.10.15 22:32:12
To: Nat

Not sure I understand what youre asking.. are you asking what the Bitrate is, on the DETAILS tab of the Video's properties?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.10.15 09:27:57
To: nikkolaus

Dear user,

You need to check the input bitrate my right clicking on the input file in media library - choose Properties. Then select the same bitrate in the output settings.

Inform about the result please.

Kind regards
Posts: 6
Registered: 06.10.2015
10.10.15 18:59:02
To: Nat

Posts: 6
Registered: 06.10.2015
10.10.15 19:25:32
To: Nat

I processed out the video in the 49739 bitrate, like you suggested, and the quality is significantly greater.. and i thank you for that... However, I am getting these weird defects in the playback... Here's a paused shot of a couple...



I dunno what the heck is up with that, but that's crazy...
Posts: 6
Registered: 06.10.2015
12.10.15 17:21:59
I've noticed a pattern... at 22 and 23 seconds into EVERY video I produce, with the bitrate matching the Raw video files' properties, the screen goes all pixelated (like 144p) for a few seconds then goes to full 1080p... it's quite horrendous, and entirely not what I would like to be seeing from this program which I once loved...

examples can be seen in both of my most recent videos at ~20 - ~25 seconds


This is in no way any effort to self-promote my channel. I simply wish to fix the issue.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
14.10.15 15:19:00
To: nikkolaus

Dear user,

Thank you for the information.

Please try to do the following: press the Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Processing - in Resize choose Super, in Other choose Enable enhanced deinterlacing method.

If you convert video to H.264 codec please choose 4.1 or 5.1 level in bitrate advanced settings - see the screenshot attached.

Then produce your video once again with the previously mentioned settings.

Inform about the result please.

Kind regards
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2228.54 KB
Posts: 11
Registered: 07.04.2015
15.10.15 08:01:06
To: nikkolaus

I mentioned this before in another thread - at 40 seconds the video goes all blocky:


Exact same issue, so it seems to be affecting the videos of many people.

I can confirm that those settings changes have been tried, to no avail.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
19.10.15 11:10:02
To: Kramy

Dear Kramy,

We need your sorce video file and the .vep project file, so we could analyse the issue.

Please send the files to our FTP server. You can find the instructions on how to upload the file in AVS Support System.

Specify also the output settings you select.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
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