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Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
17.02.14 01:35:37
I've done several videos for YouTube within past month with no problem, but now I have problems.

I'm wondering if it started with the update to the editor I installed today. Before starting work on a new video, I checked to see if there was an update. The response was there was, and I downloaded and installed it I then worked on the video and clicked to produce it. Before it finished, the computer shut itself off.

I restarted the computer and again tried to produce the video. Computer shut itself off before it was finished. Same when I tried the 3rd time.

I did a rollback to yesterday and tried again. This time the video was produced. However, when i played it I discovered that midway the figures on the screen stopped playing but the music continued.

I opened the preproduction copy of a couple of videos and same thing happened. The action stopped but the music continued. I know it is a new problem because I had previously produced those videos with no problem.

I can't say for sure that the problem is due to the update, but that was the only change made in the computer since making the last video, and that update was installed today.

If it is isn't that, then I think I will have to reinstalled windows then download and install a fresh copy of the video editor. As things now stand, I can't do anything useful with the video editor.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.02.14 06:24:18
To: kendp

Dear user,

Please specify the player you use to playback the video.
Try to playback the created video in AVS Media Player and inform about the result.

Please also specify the format and settings of the file you selected for the output.
You may not have necessary codecs installed on your PC.

Try to reinstall AVS software following the steps below:
1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.
2. Follow this link and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it. It is highly recommended to leave the default option "Delete license key-files" checked.
3. Download and install the latest version of AVS Video Converter.

Inform if you still have any problems.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
17.02.14 19:14:52
I think what I am going to do is reinstall windows.

Last night after rolling back windows to the previous day, I was able to produce a video.

This morning my computer would not start. Windows 7 came on line and recommended it check to see what could be done. It apparently went back to a time when windows started normally and got the computer running.

Later in the morning I tired to produce a video. Again the computer shut itself off before the production finished.

The clips that I was working with ran normally today using windows media player and the editing tools on the video editor were working fine, just that the computer turned itself off before the video was produced.

Video editor version is

When I am working on the clip, the clip does not play smoothly on the video editor

My problem is not codecs. I have produced a number of videos using same format and settiings and, in fact, was able to produce one last night.

It is a pain in the butt to reinstall all programs after a windows reinstallation, but I am thinking it is probably best to do so.

A couple of years ago my computer started having different problems. I was finally convinced I should reinstall windows and the computer ran so much better afterward that I told myself don't delay reinstalling if you ever start having lots of little problems again.
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
17.02.14 20:36:32
Following your instructions, I uninstalled the video editor, then installed a fresh copy. Things seem to be going better and I had the feeling tje problem was solved.

Until half way through the process of producing the video the computer shut down.

I guess that if I want to be able to use the program, I'll have to try reinstalling windows. As it is right, there is nothing I can do with the program.
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
17.02.14 22:18:34
You'll be hap;y to know I downloaded a copy of CyberLink Ultra and the computer shut down midway through the production of the video.

Windows 7 will be reinstalled tonight by my tech friend.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.02.14 11:37:00
To: kendp

Dear user,

Thank you for the information.

Please inform if the problem was resolved after Windows reinstall.

Please also try to disconnect your antivirus system for the conversion process.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
20.02.14 20:14:54
Reinstalled windows and AVS video editor. But may have to roll back or reinstall windows again, not because of the video editor but something else related to my videos.

If necessary to reinstall AVS video editor again i won't have trouble. i remember a few years ago when I was having computer problems avs suspected that I was installing the editor on other computers even though what Iwas really doing was making necessary reinstalls on my computer.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
21.02.14 11:37:41
To: kendp

Dear user,

Feel free to reinstall the software and activate it with your key. You should not have any problems.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
24.02.14 14:36:57
Ended up having to reinstall windows 2 times, but I think I am back in business.

Last night I turned a clip into a video and was able to produce it without the computer shutting down prematurely.

But a problem I have had recently continues. When playing the 3 minute 6 seconds video for the last time before clicking on "produce", at 2 minutes into the video the music continued but the action froze. This is a fairly new problem that started, I think, with the latest version of the video editor.

I went ahead and produced the video anyway and the result was ok, music and action all the way through. But I am wondering if anything can be done to keep the video playing normally prior to being produced.
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
25.02.14 14:05:01
The problem mentioned in previous post regarding minute 2 of the video appears to be a permanent problem.

Not a big deal because the produced video is fine, but i would prefer to have the video play as it should to the end on the editor.
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
25.02.14 20:13:26
I should clarify something. In every video before production, a point is reached where the music continues but there is no movement on the screen. looks like the musicians stop playing but the music continues to be played.

But there is no set point, in other words, it could at minute 2, or minute 1.65, etc. But it always happens.

Fortunately, the produced video is ok.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
27.02.14 10:54:08
To: kendp

Dear user,

Please try to reinstall and update your video and audio card drivers.

Inform about the result.

Kind regards
Posts: 51
Registered: 04.04.2009
01.03.14 00:51:41
I'm going to have to manage with the old drivers. I updated my video card but something went wrong. Really screwed up my screen resolution. The only solution was to uninstall the upgrade and put the old driver back.

I'm not going to try than again.
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