I used older AVS programs for years with great success, but I have a problem with the most recent versions. If I have more than one of them installed at the same time, I run into frame rate issues. I was baffled what the problem was with the choppy output of the latest Video Converter until I uninstalled Video Editor and Audio Editor, at which time the results with Video Converter were as smooth as they had always been. The same in reverse. If Converter is installed, Video Editor gives me output with poor frame rate, but uninstall Converter and Editor returns to normal. Has anyone else had this problem? I need all three programs mentioned. I have uninstalled all AVS programs (even used the AVS uninstall utility), took every AVS related key out of the registry, deleted every AVS folder, and updated my video driver. Then I reinstalled the AVS programs and the problem persists. Wondering if this is a known issue, or if it's me, as I did not have the issue with Video Converter version 7. Thanks for feedback.