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Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
05.06.13 14:43:15

I'm very new to making movies, editing, using video players and the whole 9 yards, so please bear with my uninformed questions.

I learned to enter files, edit and save them. The caching process takes a long time. I understand that caching is necessary before smooth playback can be seen while editing. And my edited movies play back smoothly after editing. Well, except for the occasional freeze for a few seconds sometimes. If there's a lolution for that I'd be happy to learn about that, too.

My most pressing question for this post is how do I open an edited and saved movie to watch without having to wait for caching? I've been opening AVS Editor for watching my movies (after closong AVS Editor for a while) and after a little head scratching I figured out its just preparing to edit the already edited and saved movie I want to watch.

Does AVS have a player? If so, where is it located? I think I downloaded the entire suite of AVS products at the same time (?)

Do I need to transfer my movie to a player like QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc? Or should I open my player of choice, and then load my saved movie into that other player?

Posts: 73
Registered: 15.02.2013
06.06.13 12:42:02
Dear Sam,

Regarding the issue with a freeze of the video, could you be so kind as to specify:

- whether the problem occurs on the preview or after you produce the file.
- your PC configuration:
If you run Windows 7, 8, Vista: right click on My computer\ Properties
If you run Windows XP: right click My computer\ Properties\ General

You can play back the video without cache. To switch it off please follow: Edit / Settings / Environment tab / put the marker on No cache.

For simple reproduction of video/ audio / image files you can use AVS Media player http://download.avs4you.net/distributives/AVSMediaPlayer.exe.
Here you can find the list of supported formats http://onlinehelp.avs4you.com/AVS-Media-Player/MediaPlayback/formats.aspx

Best regards
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
06.06.13 20:43:43
To: Tess

Hi Tess,

Thank you so much for all the helpful information and the links.

The freeze takes place during the review process.
I have not yet used the Produce function.
That will be a whole new ball of wax for me to learn.

Computer is Hewlett Packard
HP G60 Norebook PC
AMD Athlon Dual core QL-64
2.10 GHz 3GB Ram
Winsows VISTA SP2
32 bit OS

A questioin about the configuration - does my machine barely meet the requirements for AVS or does it leave a little room for comfort? Thanks.

I'm learning that I have to wait for things to get arranged by the AVS application which I previously thought would happen almost instantly. I didn't realize how much space a video file took in the machine and that the edit process takes a lot of shuffling of the cards.

Thanks again,
Posts: 73
Registered: 15.02.2013
07.06.13 08:49:53
Hello Sam,

Please unzip the attached file and launch it on your computer. It will minimize the PC resources.

Please note that in this case you should turn the caching on manually by making the right click on the video file in the Media library and selecting Start caching.

Please contact uson getting the result.

Best regards
Attached files:
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
08.06.13 09:25:34
To: Tess

AVS times after Registry and cache changes

Hi Tess,

I'll have to make more than one post to cover all that I did and what happened as a result.

Before doing any tests of the performance I did all the following:
1) I activated the zip file and stopped caching.
2) I cleaned the computer cache of all temporary files with the built-in disc cleaner as well as stopping several start up programs which might have run in the background and might have been cause for slowing down performance.
3) I made certain the computer was set for high performance operation through the control panel.
4) I made sure that AVS was the only application running except for the anti-virus software and Open Office Writer, which I used for taking notes.

While running Preview with no caching there was no positive change, so I turned the caching back on. The caching allows for much more acceptable previewing. I noticed that there is an option for permanent caching. It says it saves the cache in hard drive for use when called for later. I might try that.

( I do have a question about that. IF I purchase an external hard drive and save a file from AVS editor into the external drive after that file is fully cached, and IF I shut down AVS editor and then restart AVS editor later – will the cached file I import back into the computer's AVS editor from the external hard drive still need to be cached before the Preview will run smoothly? )

The temporary cache of my video scene with a displayed run time of 5 minutes and 55 seconds took about 37 minutes. File is 20130522075650 (my note for my memory.) While cache took place, as boring as it was, I did not connect to the Internet, play any computer games or use any other computer application - except for typing notes using Open Office Writer.

After caching, the video Preview plays with slight, but noticeable frame freezes sporadically during the preview. The freezing frames are noticeable after about a full minute into the movie. The audio seems to mute slightly at times, but the slight mute does not coincide with the frame freezes. (More about the audio muting later.) The camera is Canon HF R400 on tripod using a class 10 SD card. I shot the scene without stopping the camera and I believe I neither trimmed nor multi-trimmed the scene after importing the file. After caching, I played the scene through Preview 3 times getting basically the same result.

After doing all that and before doing the next test I stopped what I thought were a few more non essential start up programs as well as stopping the anti-virus, and then I restarted the computer (twice consecutively) before doing the same test again using the same unaltered file as above. I set caching to temporary just as before. Cache time this time was about 34 minutes. The Preview playback is almost the same as before with maybe slightly shorter duration of the freezing of frames. There was still an ever so slight audio muting.
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
08.06.13 09:26:44
To: samohtelad

Post 2

The scenes I was asking for help with on a previous post are different scenes from the scenes tested for this post. You asked previously if the freezing took place during Preview or after Produce. I did use the Produce option, but I used it on the file for which I asked at the start of this support request. That file plays more smoothly than if did immediately after editing, but, it still contains some noticeable video freeze ups. Also, on the produced file, there is some slight audio muting. Again, with the longer video clip and video freezes and the audio mutes do not coincide.

After making the tests using the shorter scene I did re-open the longer scene I was asking for help with originally. One of the scenes runs about 16 minutes and took over 2 hours to cache. When I previewed that scene's freezes were more noticeable than on the shorter scene. And the audio muting was still present in the longer scene. So, whether the scenes are long or short or whether edited or unedited the same problems are evident. Your suggestions and my diddling with ideas did make an improvement.

I don't have knowledge of anything more I could adjust or reset to make more resources available or to improve the performance of my system. I've read that configuring a Flash Drive can add to RAM. But my research this week says adding memory doesn't add to resources. I tried the flash Drive configuration last week, but saw no improvement. I did try previewing an non cached video immediately after activating the zip file for the registry and I timed the cache process after the zip. It would be hard to measure how much of a difference the registry zip alone helped. After stopping programs which automatically ran on start up, rebooting and double checking that the system was set for maximum performance was I able to measure any positive improvement.

Thanks for your time and suggestions. A 3 minute improvement is about 8% better. IF 2 more changes can be made and IF each change equals 8% and IF those changes are each cumulative, then they would surely be worth doing.

Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
09.06.13 22:46:54
To: Tess

Hi Tess,

After activating the zip I had an application I want, which would work as it had been. I made several attempts to get the application back to full operation, but nothing succeded. I removed the zip and the application was restored to normal operation.

Hopefully we can find solutions which don't require changing the register artifically.

Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
12.06.13 16:13:57
To: Tess

Hi Tess,

I haven't heard from you in a few days, so I hope you're not ill, but if you are having any sort of problems I hope for a positive resolution of any issues you may be experiencing.

I stopped trying to watch, preview or edit movies without caching, because the caching process is necessary for any semblance of smooth playback. I permanently cached, edited, produced and recorded to CD a 16 minute movie. However, still, when I play the permanently cached and edited files there is still jerky playback. The movie is jerky even when played back on the CD and is jerky whether I use AVS Media Player, Quick Time Player or Real Player.

Thanks for any help - if you have the time,
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
14.06.13 07:23:31
To: samohtelad

Dear Sam,

Sorry for the delay in reply and thank you for all the inverstigations made and the information.

You mentioned that the produced video on CD is jerky also.
Please specify the player you use to playback the video, specify what settings and format you selected for the output.

If you use some other players or AVS Media Player to playback the input video , do you get the same problems also?

If possible try to playback the video on some other players on your PC. And while producing the video please select input frame rate and bitrate fro the output, you can do it by clicking on the Advanced button after selecting format. To check the input file prameters please right click on it while in AVS Video Editor and choose Properties. Please playback the produced video also and inform if there are any problems with playback.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
05.07.13 04:53:48
To: Nat

Hi Nat,

While absent from looking for a reply on this forum I did a lot of experimentation, and research on the web as well as readfing other video editing forums. I've found that AVS is having a hard time with my system even though it meets the minimum requirements for using the software as is stated on the AVS web page. But I've also read enough on other forums to have learned to expect very slow results. Slow is ok for me at this time because I've grown to understand thats because my present system is (to put it mildly) not exactly state of the art for video editing. However, there is still the issue of the jerky playback even after the editor (or I'll generously say my system) takes its necessary time for conversion etc. I'm sure you can help.

But to answer your question AVS player Real Player and Quick time player each plays the files I've edited jerlily if at all. Actually much of the time each of them is really awful. And the degree of awfulness varies. I'm not having such issues with other CDs I play and not having the same difficulty with you tube or watching other web videos. Those are all playing smoothly. I've monitored my system performance and even when the CPU use is relatively low playback is still eratic.

I have also reduced some of the load on resources by stopping a lot of startup programs and a few services.
I also have used some file size reducing software (FreeMake - HandBrake) and and the player software recomended by that software VLC Player. The truth is that the results vary with everything I've tried, including AVS. Heck, I even uninstalled each the AVS Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer at one time or another. But after time it seems that neither of them is either the culprit or the answer to the jerky playback. So, at this time I'm still using RealPlayer and QuickTime although as stated before neither of them makes much of a difference.

The AVS media player shows the AVS logo spiinning very smoothly at startup, but AVS Media player seems like it doesn't even exist when it should play my edited files. (I'm not trying to be mean and I'm NOT exaggerating, its just the sad fact.)

I did finally get a few videos uploaded onto You Tube. The first video shows the jerkiness (frame freezes) especially near the beginning of play (which looks a little like the playback on my CD) but the second video does play a lot better than the first one. What might appear as jerkiness on the second video is just the result of edit cuts.

AND - I have another problem. I'm not sure whether to start another thread or ask here and now - but - When I try to capture a video file directly from my cam corder into AVS rather than importing a file from my computer - when I click the USB device You Cam opens rather than AVS looking for the file in my camcorder. If I pick the only other option AVS opens a slightly different version of You Cam. Do I misunderstand the purpose of the option to load a video from my camcorder? OR is that option just for using an external web cam? The option near the top of the page certainly gives me the idea that I should be able to get a file directly from my cam corder. If so is there some bug fix? I sure would appreciate a fix for that. (-: I have 2 files recorded on my camcorder that the supplied software doesn't even see. I can watch the files with my camcorder monitor, but the files aren't in the camera according to the software. I sure would like to somehow use the AVS camcorder file capture option to get those 2 files into my computer.

Thanks Nat for your time and any help you can give me.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
10.07.13 09:00:21
To: samohtelad

Dear Sam,

We beg your pardon for the delay in reply.

Thank you for the detailed information and investigations.

The reason of jerky playback on AVS Video Editor preview window seems to be in your PC configuration.

BUT the output file should not playback jerky, if other files with the same settings playback smoothly on your PC players and youtube.

So to avoid the problem I would ask you to do the following: please select input video frame rate and bitrate for the output, you can do it by clicking on the Advanced button after selecting format - see the screenshot attached. To check the input file prameters please right click on it while in AVS Video Editor timeline or medialibrary and choose Properties. Please playback the produced video also and inform if there are any problems with playback.

AVS Media player seems like it doesn't even exist when it should play my edited files

Can you use AVS Media Player to playback any video files?

When I try to capture a video file directly from my cam corder into AVS rather than importing a file from my computer

Please note that "Capture from camera" option in AVS Video Editor is used to capture video from DV and web cameras.
As you have AVCHD digital camera you just need to Import video from it, not capture.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
12.07.13 16:07:46
To: Nat

Hi Nat,


I understand I don't have a state of the art configuration. But my computer does fit the Mfg suggested requirements. I'll have to live with the suffering performance issues on non-cached playback until I can afford a workable configuration.

Aside from that - as per the attachment - as hard as I try I can't find where to click to open said attachment. But I did find the parameters you asked me to set.

I'm concentrating on editing a movie shot in 60P AVCHD and I'd like to convert them to MP4 at the rate of 60p, which plays in many cd players, But MP4 has no frame rate option of 60P. I do see the option for 60P in other formats. And as stated at the very beginning of my support inquery I'm a rank beginner and have a LOT of details to learn. So thanks for your understanding and pointers.

For the other scenes I edited in the past, I've already been setting the produce option to same frame rate in which the video was shot,

I left AVS media player uninstalled for about 3 weeks, but I re-installed it because you specifically asked for comparisons. Its still working poorly on all the videos I have edited and saved.

You asked if I can get AVS media player to play any files. - The AVS player isn't listed in the options of Auto Play, so I can't yet try a DVD. It is playing imported and edited files only slightly better since I downloaded it again. To bring the situation exactly up to date I just imported a 60P AVCHD file into AVS - Cached it permanently - did absolutely zero editing - Produced it as MPEG so I could use the 60P rate the video was shot with. AVS Media player does play the movie, but the video is very jerky, the audio plays but only with many syllables skipped. With AVS Mddia Player the conversation is completely unintelligible because of the audio skipping. While AVS Media player is running that 2 minute scene the progress bar (rather than proceeding smoothly across the screen) stutters and jumps to match the video and audio thats being displayed.

I changed properties for that video so it could be played with the following players: With Real Player the video is still a little jerky, but noticeably less so than AVS and the audio with real Player has zero audio skips and all the conversation is entirely intelligible.

Windows Media player displays only a very slight video jerk in just one place and Windows Media player's audio is smooth as glass.

The file is not a type that Quick Time understands, therefore Quick Time will not open the video at all.

VLC Player shows very jerky video, but smooth and intelligible audio.

DiVX Player seems to think it can handle the file, but when the progress bar proceeds smoothly across the screen there is only a black screen - no sound.

Windows Movie Maker freezes for seconds after playing only a few seconds, then begins playing where it stopped. With WMM at least the sound starts playing back at the point where the screen froze and none of the audio is lost. That allows the conversation to be followed and understood.

While trying these other media players I used the exact same video file which was neither cut not trimmed and I set the frame rate parameters as you suggested.

OK thanks for the information on the capture function being only for the built-in youCamera and for an external USB camera. The identifier logo for that clearly says "capture from camcorder", so that's the cause for my previous confusion.

Finally, I used HandBrake to drastically condense the size of the file I used for this communication. Only Windows Media Player plays that file.

Thank you,
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
18.07.13 05:08:22
To: samohtelad

Dear Sam,

Thank you for the detailed description of the issue.

Actually as you are trying to playback AVCHD files, the problems with playback are likely to appear due to high resolution of the files.
Your computer resources are not enough to playback the HD file smoothly for all the PC players play them differently.

Concerning the settings of your AVCHD files: if the source of the files is a video camera, it may be recording to 1080 interlaced 60 fps video file, that is equial to 1080 deinterlaced 30 fps. As AVS4YOU software creates only deinterlaced video the oputput settings for your file will be: 1080p 30fps - in this case you sould not have any problems. So please specify the settings of the files recorded in your camera (interlaced or deinterlaced).

P.S. Our developers are ready to create a new profile for MP4 format with 60fps if you really need it.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
29.07.13 04:09:14
To: Nat

Hi Nat,

Thank you for the pointers and information.

Actually the AVCHD 60P files I mentioned (if I wrote my previous post as I intended it to be understood) were AVCHD 60P files which I could not locate at all. AVS4YOU and the SEARCH function of my computer were telling me (each in its own way) that the files were non-existent - therefore I could not open the files to try editing. I had hoped the youcam option would find and open them, but I misunderstood the icon because of its text. Therefore, I was not able to open nor try editing those AVCHD 60P files. So I just went back to shooting scenes with modes and editing the kinds of files I could open.

But - since you mention it, it will be very good when AVS4YOU is developed so that it will handle the AVCHD 60P. Perhaps AVS4YOU developers will gain feathers in its collective caps for handling AVCHD 60P files. According to camcorder promoters (especially Canon, who specifies 60P) that's the latest and greatest option available.

And its much simpler for novice newcomers to digital editing to not have to jump through the mental gymnastics of de-interlaced one mode is equal to interlaced another mode etc.

interlaced? and deinterlaced? - I haven't a clue - simpler for the operator of the software is better. lol
Thank you very much for setting up AVS4YOU software to work with AVCHD 60P.

UPDATE: Maybe it was about a week ago that I did stumble onto where the AVCHD 60P files are located in my computer. I don't understand why they couldn't be found a month ago, nor why now suddenly they are found. The dates shown on the files correspond to the time when they were loaded from the camera into the computer. But, that problem is on my end. What's important to me is that they weren't lost between bits and bytes.

Of course I want to be able to use the most recent innovations and highest quality settings available on my camera and I want to be able to edit with AVS4YOU. When AVS4YOU gets the AVCHD 60P option working I can edit those files. AVS4YOU will be keeping pace with the more modern cameras and will be a step ahead of the competition. Thank you so much for AVCHD 60P.

While I was having such a hard time getting started learning editing I bought a different brand editing software, but I'm a little partial to AVS4YOU because I started my learning process using AVS4YOU and its relatively simple to use, comparatively. I do wish the different software brands would shake hands with the file type of the others.

How will I know when the developers have that ready?
Will I need to just keep watching for it or will AVCHD 60P be included when updates are downloaded?
Thank you for the answer to those questions.

In any case - since I last posted the question about finding those AVCHD 60P I have experimented using several different settings on the 30 fps and I did find settings which are working better. Now, after "Production" there is only the slightest jerkiness and in just a few places spaced far apart. Maybe I can finally figure out how to smooth out the remainder over time with experimentation and judicious note taking for later referrence.

Whew - what a learning experience this is. Thank you for your patience and perserverence.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
30.07.13 06:17:25
To: samohtelad

Dear Sam,

We greatly appreciate your suggetions.

Could you upload one of your camera AVCHD files to our FTP server, so we could assist you.

I have send the instructions on how to upload the file to FTP using AVS Support System.

Please use your e-mail and forum password to log in and track the answer.

Please let em know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
18.08.13 20:58:54
To: Nat

Hi Nat,

I replied through the other resource you supplied - using the ftp link.
This message is just to let you know I did reply in case you don't see the other message.

I got the message *the ftp can't be viewed with internet explorer.

Should I make sure the file I do load is near the 10 MB max? Or is a 3 MB file OK?
My subject matter is small honey bees entering and leaving the entrance of their hives.
Should I shoot people instead of small insects?

Oh, and I see on this page that the max file size is 10 MB rather than 10 GB.
I haven't loaded the requested files. but I will as soon as I can navigate the ftp site.

Trying to use this page to load AVCHD 60P doesn't allow me to find those other types of files as I normally do when using AVS Editor.
I'm assuming the FTP server works somewhat different and that I can navigate to my computer AVCHD file location using the FTP server.
I haven't a clue why the different types of files are located in different, harder to access areas.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
19.08.13 07:50:31
To: samohtelad

Dear Sam,

The subject of the video does not matter, if it is possible to detect the problem from the file. You can also be sure that your video will be confidential and won't be published anywhere.

To upload the file please try to follow the instructions on the screenshot attached.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Attached files:
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
20.08.13 00:01:14
To: Nat

Hi Nat,

I am SO embarrased.
*SORRY* sorry

I saved my most recently shot AVCHD file to my desktop, so I could easily find it this time. Then, I began to load part of the file to your FTP using the filezilla you suggested. When I scrolled down to see the upload progress I noticed the file was much too large. I stopped the uppload and decided to delete the file and shoot one smaller. When I mistakenly left clicked rather than right click to delete the file, the AVS Editor started to open and I thought, "What the hey! The editor won't work for AVCHD. I thought that because I could never before today open an AVCHD file in AVS. But I just sat still to see what would happen. The file opened, I let it cache and I watched the short clip.

I was surprised to see the file open for 4 reasons. First, my inexperience (a politically correct way to say "ignorance" of using camcorder, editing software, my ignorance of my file system, etc.) Second, I have to use some software called "Transfer Utility" to even load AVCHD files from my camcorder into my computer. (Why the camcorder software isn't supplied with the transfer utility is a mystery to me. But I am glad they made it available as a download) Third, the first time I used the "Transfer Utility" I select a file location and it didn't register to me that AVCHD files went into a different location from files shot in al the other modes. I used the AVCHD mode so little because I couldn't find the files. That's why I had such a hard time finding AVCHD files. (Another mystery to me is why a normal computer search won't return results of the file number or the dates of the AVCHD files. They're not hidden files when I look at the properties.) And 4th, well, three reasons are enough. And that's the cause of my confusiion of thinking AVS wouldn't edit AVCHD.

If the files I aborted somehow show up on your server please just delete them.

So, once again, my apologies for having you set up a trouble shoot about some non-existant issue that was caused entirely by my ignorance.

Thank you for all your patience and for the help you have been during my learning process. Without your help I likely would have been too discouraged to cointinue trying to learn.

All the best to you and your team,

Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
20.08.13 01:08:25
Hello again,

Now that I've learned how to find and edit my 60P files I see no option to "Produce" them at 60P on youtube.
I tried every obvious option to find 60P in the Produce window.
Did I miss something else somewhere else?

Oh, youtube accepts 60P files.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
27.08.13 12:52:42
To: samohtelad

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your patience, I am glad your problem is resolved.

Our developers have created a new profile your video camera (1080p with 60 fps), those cameras are not commomnly used.

Please unzip the file in the attachment and save it to the folder: C:\Program Files\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoEditor\Profiles

Then open AVS Video Editor and after selecting Youtube you will be able to choose the needed profile in the drop down list.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards
Attached files:
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