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Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
03.06.13 03:38:45

Please bear with me. I haven't used a camcorder or editing software before. But I expected the software to work differently and tried to work with what I was seeing from the application, so I'm a little confused about the final outcome so far.

I used Canon's Transport Utility LE to get my 52 video files from one day's shooting of a family gathering into my computer. When I imported the first few files into AVS editor (in the Project Window) the preview window played back the scenes forward, but in reverse order from the order in which the files were imported.

So, I started over and imported all 52 scenes in reverse order from that in which they were shot. That is, I first imported the last scene I recorded, then imported the next to last scene recorded etc until all 52 scenes were imported. So, the last file I imported into AVS was the first scene I shot with the camcorder.

After editing all the scenes (and before saving the project) they played back in the same order as the correct timeline. That is the files played back sequentially in the correct timeline for the day's shooting. So, I named and saved the files, closed AVS and shut down my laptop.

Later, when I re-opened AVS to review the result of my day's editing the playback order of the files was reversed. The scenes played forward as they should, but the first file to play is the last file I recorded.

Is there a way I can now set AVS to simply reverse the order of the files in its project window or must I delete the project and do that manually?

There are 52 scenes and I sort of expect to get a little confused and dizzy if I use the "Move Right and/or the Move Left" options.

In what order should i expect my next project to display files and play them back?

I think I'll enjoy AVS if I can get all this sorted out.

Thank you for the answers to all my questions and for any tips you can offer for help with my confusion.
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
03.06.13 04:45:36
To: samohtelad


I figured it out. I hadn't actually opened the project.

I clicked on the FOLDER for the project instead of opening the project and was looking at the files / transitions window.

When I finally actually opened the project everything worked OK.

Sorry for the newbie goof...
Posts: 73
Registered: 15.02.2013
03.06.13 10:57:27
Dear user,

The order of the files put onto the Timeline does not change as soon as you save the project.

Apparently the order of the files in the Media library was not correct. You can change the order of the files by making the right click on the media library area and press the button Sort by.

We are always glad to answer your questions.

Best regards
Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
03.06.13 11:59:54
To: Tess

Hi Tess,

Thank you for your reply.

If it matters I placed the files into Storyline rather than into the "Timeline". I used the term "Timeline" to express that the files played back in the same order that they were originally recorded. I find it easier to work using the Storyline option. I'm sorry I used the term in a confusing way.

I placed each file into the Storyline from the "Project" window by right clicking each file one at a time, and then clicking on the dropdown option "Add to Main Video." That placed the first scene into the Storyline at top row leftmost position. The second file, treated the same way, went into the storyline also at the top row & leftmost plsition, pushing the first file forward - to the right - in the Storyline and so on until all the files were added. Each subsequent file also went into the top row & left position, each file pushing the previous files to the right.

That was not drag & drop. For some reason I can't drag & drop well. I'll try again with a different project and see if the same thing happens.

I have a few other questions, but after the first one is resolved I'll post for more help on the different questions.

Thanks again,

Posts: 19
Registered: 03.06.2013
03.06.13 13:33:46
Dear user,

You can change the order of the files by making the right click on the media library area and press the button Sort by.

Best regards

Hi Tess,

When I right click on the Media Library icon I get nothing - but - I did find "Sort By" by clicking the "View" tab in the toolbar.

Thanks for the great tip,

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