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Posts: 2
Registered: 15.09.2012
15.09.12 21:42:37
I recently upgraded to video editor 6.2. Update app tells me everything is current. Since that time, video clips take forever to load or don't load at all. I get green screens in the monitor window. all functions seem to take forever. I will be checking my video driver for current status but I think it is up to date.

Any ideas?
Posts: 17
Registered: 07.09.2012
16.09.12 03:50:27
To: tmiller48111

What file format are you importing? What is it's aspect and resolution?

What program, if any, are you using for capture.

I may not have an answer but I am attempting use the information to help narrow it down for a solution.

Posts: 1
Registered: 16.09.2012
16.09.12 04:52:10
This is maddening. This used to be a great program. I have uninstalled, per the directions deleted everything reinstalled and the Video Editor still has the abnormal termination error.

I have windows XP the same exact program and configuration I had been using for years. Fix this. Also after going through the whole delete program process, I now can't reactivate cause "I've used 3 activations" I have reactivated this on teh same computer and have to buy 2 lifetime licenses. and now because YOU can't fix your problem I have to buy another? I think not. What a rip off. Life time should be just that Lifetime. So why force me to buy more licenses when i am only using it on one computer which has to be reloaded once in a while, and then you pull this. I am really starting to fume on this. Used to be a gtreat program. Why don't you go back to older configurations if you can't make the news ones work?

A solution would be highly recommended about now!
Posts: 2
Registered: 15.09.2012
16.09.12 15:39:19
To: tmiller48111

file format is MP4, aspect is 640x480

I have had great success with the program in earlier versions, but as soon as I updated to 6.2 I've encountered the freezing problems.

I am recording on a DVR hard drive at my church directly from a camera. The hard drive exports the video as an MP4.
Posts: 59
Registered: 07.07.2012
16.09.12 17:59:06
To: tmiller48111

I think that's a bug itself in the current version. Is rolling back to the previous version an option for you?
Posts: 17
Registered: 07.09.2012
16.09.12 19:51:42
To: tmiller48111

I have been troubleshooting this problem as well.

If you have AVS converter or another brand, try converting it or a portion of it, to another format, such as AVI. WMV, TS etc.

Then try importing that into AVS Editor.

Remember if you upgraded to 6.2 there seems to be a problem with something being left over from a prior installation that causes 6.2 to barf.

If you haven't already, use a third party program that removes ALL traces of the previous program including .dll's, folders and registry.

I don't think you can post other software brands here but if you do a google search for "system care" the program I use should be near the top. The part you need is free. Use it to do an uninstall and after it's finished do a deep clean.

Then install 6.2 from scratch.

Hope this helps,

Post results please.

Posts: 98
Registered: 12.07.2011
17.09.12 08:32:09
To: tmiller48111


Please note we have answered your request in our Support System.
Posts: 98
Registered: 12.07.2011
17.09.12 08:40:24
To: ztwench

Dear Robin,

We have answered to your request in Support System.
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