To: tmiller48111
I have been troubleshooting this problem as well.
If you have AVS converter or another brand, try converting it or a portion of it, to another format, such as AVI. WMV, TS etc.
Then try importing that into AVS Editor.
Remember if you upgraded to 6.2 there seems to be a problem with something being left over from a prior installation that causes 6.2 to barf.
If you haven't already, use a third party program that removes ALL traces of the previous program including .dll's, folders and registry.
I don't think you can post other software brands here but if you do a google search for "system care" the program I use should be near the top. The part you need is free. Use it to do an uninstall and after it's finished do a deep clean.
Then install 6.2 from scratch.
Hope this helps,
Post results please.