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Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
03.05.12 21:49:51
My video service has scanned my home movies and given me duplicate Blu-Ray discs in two formats, BDMV and BDAV. The BDMV are supposed to be data discs and contain more information than the BDAV. My Samsung Blu-Ray
player can show either one, but there is a message with BDMV that it is not a
supported format. Resources on the web say the BDMV will not be supported
as a playable disc in new players being produced. I know the BDAV is more of the consumer oriented format, whereas the BDMV is more of the professional format for movie releases.

My question concerns which is the best format to input to my video editor, in
terms of better picture quality. Does the BDAV contain the equivalent picture
information as the BDMV? I can import either format to my video editor and then request a burn to a Blu-Ray disc. I chose the MPEG option at 1080 lines,
but I don't know if this resultant burned disc is any different when coming from a BDMV or a BDAV. The video program people (AVS04) have not been helpful with this question.
Posts: 19
Registered: 01.05.2012
04.05.12 03:31:09
Both has the same quality, though BDMV includes menu feature which you can add if you create a Blu-ray disc. Also, BDMV is the latest video format version that not all Blu-ray player can use. For the meantime, you can use BDAV at it is accepted by ALL Blu-ray disc player. Cheers!
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
04.05.12 08:44:10
To: sherwindu


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Best regards.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
04.05.12 08:44:42
To: keiooz

Good response*SUPER*
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