To: Lex
1) thanks for that.. but can i have an option to output in AVI? the original files and 99% of files im working w/ are in AVI format and i'd like to keep things simple..
2) problem re the transition durations being set in preferences, that is an option that set things globally and affects all new transitions applied only..
consider this...
i have 20 clips and i need transitions in between those clips.. i started out w/ 2 second fades for each. then i decided to mix them up. first 10 clips using fades but only 1seconders, and the rest of the clips using another transition ..
right now the only way i can see to do that is to manually ADD and EDIT EACH transition per clip, and that's quit tasky..
I'm coming from PROSHOW software and w/ prowshow, copying 1 transition (and even effect) from 1 clip to another is as easy as copying and pasting onto the transition blocks in STORYBOARD view... i can also MULTI SELECT (Shift select) each transition and i can then change transition FX and duration to all selected items at once...
I was hoping there was a way to do that here in AVS V.Editor, as it is one of the most used basic features in ProShow.
3) umm that means i have to manually set each variable in the export setting, and defeats the purpose of easy "cutting".. ill have to do a lot of guess work and testing to get it right unlike in remaker it simply cuts the video file w/o re-encoding..