I've been using AVS Video Editor for approximately one month every day without any errors. However lately the program, which I bought, is crashing. Not exactly sure what triggers the crash, but it's usually after I've made a few scenes and try to play them back.
I thought perhaps I had some weird spyware/virus/whatever that was causing the problem since the video editor hadn't crashed in the past. . .but I reformatted and reinstalled AVS 6.1 Video Editor and it still crashes. At this point, I'm crying and having to buy lots of boxes of tissues ;).
I've checked the forum and it's related suggestions but nothing seems to help.
Things I've tried:
--Reinstalling AVS Video 6.1
--Repairing Installation
--Task Manager and Un-clicking one of the CPUs
--Opening the Program as "Admin"
--Reformatting Hard Drive
Please help! :) Also I've attached some information that should prove useful.