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Posts: 4
Registered: 20.02.2012
06.03.12 07:49:18
This Is The Best Audio Editor For It's Price & Quality Alike. I Also Have This Single Plug In Called Izotope MP. Its the best & easiest msastering software I ever used. It transforms my music. If AVS WOULD Could Include This On their Next Update Or Create Something Comperable Would Be GReat. Avs's Offcialy Make a Track Start To Finish With A Polished Coat All On One Program Is Sure To Be Sucessful.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
06.03.12 11:06:50
To: Brandon McNair


We appreciate your comment. Your suggestion will be put forward to our developers.

Best regards.
Posts: 19
Registered: 01.05.2012
10.05.12 03:37:05
That is right. This is the first Audio Editor that I haven't made any bad comments yet. Keep it up!!!
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
10.05.12 07:58:48
To: keiooz


Thank you for your kind appreciations.

Best regards.
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