I have just downloaded AVS Video ReMaker 4.0.136. Before that I have found this on FAQ page:
What limitations do the non-activated programs have?
The non-activated programs do not have any feature or time limitations. The only thing is that they have a voice logo in the output audio files (that is true for audio programs, such as AVS Audio Editor, AVS Audio Recorder, etc.) or a watermark in the output video files (AVS Video Converter, AVS Video Editor, etc.). To remove logos and watermarks you need to activate your programs and reconvert your source audio or video files.
But after installing and cutting out some scenes from my video, when I click "Remake Now" button a popup appears that says "Warning! You are using non-activated version of AVS Video ReMaker! The output file will be only 5 min in length."
So, am I doing something wrong here, because I thought they said it was not time limited - just watermarked.
Thanks in advance!