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Posts: 48
Registered: 11.07.2011
20.07.11 21:39:15
I tried to fine tune my new computer for faster performance with Editor ver 6 and would like to share some results with the forum. May be the developers can interact with us to improve the performance further.

My new computer runs Win 7 x64 with the following hardware

CPU: i7 960 Quadcore CPU
RAM: 24 GB
HD: 500G Sata 2 for boot, 2TB Sata 3 for data

I mainly do HD file editing mixed with some DV tape files ( 640 x 576 ).

By the way, I stick with AVS after trying other softwares such as Magix and Cyberlink, they all have their issues, and frankly, I stayed with AVS because it is not the fastest ( slower than Cyberlink, about 2 times) but certainly the most stable and flexible in terms of output encoding configuration. Both Magix and Cyberlink produce files that are 6 -7 times larger with no real gain in quality. The reason I say AVS is stable, because it actually used to run on my old P4 machine with 1GB RAM and Win XP quicky reliably, though understandably, horrifically sluggish during editing. So the reason for the new hardware.

But now I have my new hardware, I would like to tune it so that AVS can run even faster.

I have tried the following settings with NO appreciable difference in Editor's Production process ( Multi-threaded )

1) temporary file location moved from Sata 2 to Sata 3 to ram disk ( 5 Gb ram disk )
2) output file to go to Sata 2 to Sata 3 to ram disk ( 5 Gb ram disk )
3) Cache setting changed from Temporary to Permanent

Changing from Single Thread to Multi-Thread produces about 10 -15 % improvement

Disable Preview during producation processing gives about 5% improvement.

What is really surprising is the total lack of improvements using RAM disk as an output disk and the lack of significant improvements between Multi-threaded and Single threaded mode.

I wonder if somebody can explain the significance of the configuring each of the following parameters

a) temp file location
b) cach setting - for Processing High Definition Files

And also what is the best way to make use of the RAM ( largely used on my system with its 24GB) to speed up the process. It appears a 5 GB RAM disk did not help. I am talking about not USB drives, but pure and simple RAM disk ( using the Imdisk driver, freely availbale)

Any idea will be much appreciated. I hope we can all learn something from this tuning exercise.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
25.07.11 08:10:01
To: ffrree


I will try to explain the things:

1) Temp file location is not very significant for processing speed. However, we would recommend to select temp file location on the drive which is different from input and output files location drive.
2) Caching allows to work much faster with HD files on preview in AVS Video Editor, but caching does not affect conversion/saving process.

3) Using RAM disc actually will not speed up it. Perhaps, just a little when accessing input/output files, as editing/production process mostly uses CPU time/resourses, not drive resourses.

I hope it helps.

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