Hello: I have edited and burned several movies with the combination of AVS Video Editor and AVS Video Converter. I create an MPEG-2 file with the Video Editor, and then use the Video Converter to add chapter markers and create the DVD files/structure. I have noticed that when I view the movies, in any portions where the camera pan across the scene, that the panning is not smooth. I would best describe it as lurching. It sort of slows down, then catches up, then slows done, then catches up, etc. It's really annoying to watch. A real good example is a scene from Shutter Island which was filmed from a plane. It flies in from over the ocean, over a grassy filed along a road. Watching the grassy filed pass below is just not smooth. It tends to make you nauseous.
Any idea what could be causing it, and how I might fix it?
Thank you kindly.