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Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
28.03.11 22:23:15
I had a crash and had to restart my computer puting all new software including Windows. After I tried for several times to download and use Video Editor simply is not the same. As I had to put the activation code I thought it could be the problem. The Video Editor Overlay is out of image and when I use other options he just return to the same position. After when Producing the video to youtube or youtube HD Format (didn´t try other formats) the copy have no sound. I tried to use the sound in the Overlay and in Audio Mix and no sound. When I get out of Video Editor and Return to it the sound of the Overlay and Audio Mix is completly down on zeros. What is the Problem? I will send you the vep file on Attachment. Please HELP ME.
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Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
29.03.11 05:25:49
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt


Not sure what do you mean by video editor overlay is out of image... Does not preview show video overlay on the screen? or it is not displayed on Timeline?

As for sound, seems that your project was previously saved with zeros to Overlay and Audio Mix settings. Just set proper setting and re-save the project again.

Best regards.
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
29.03.11 07:56:25
To: Vlad

The video Overlay iis in some place out of image. I can´t go there to put it in the right place. If I use the option Trajectory I do all I have to do (save the trajectory and all) and in the end returns to the same place when I give the OK in video overlay. The letters of Text disaappeared and when I try to force the letter deleting the Text and addiing a new one gives error. SO MANY MISTAKES. Something is very wrong. I don´t know if the AVS didn´t accept my activation KEY. In spite saying the key is OK. Administrator I am a TV man, a sound engenner for more than 30 years I work with AVS for some time. SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG. I tryed to reinstall and to update and to Repair and do it again and again 3 to 4 days of this ******. Help me please with this software. Don´t forget I reinstall the system and put new devices. A GPU Radeon HD 5450.

Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
29.03.11 08:55:05
To: Vlad

I took out all the new devices and uninstall the AVS and reinstall it the same ****** as usual. No difference, no nothingh. The only thingh you want is the money on your side after that you don´t care about your clients. Is someone in there?
No letters in text. No sound in Produce. No video Overlay to Edit. What kind of edition is this?

Ricardo Ferreira
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
30.03.11 03:44:29
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt

Dear Ricardo,

We are sorry about the problems you have encountered using our software and I can assure you we will do our best to solve them. I'm just asking you to be patient.

Could you please give the following details:

- specify your PC configuration - Operating system, CPU, Ram.

- have you backed up source files for your project correctly? are they not missing?

- which errors do you get when trying to edit text? please attach screenshots.

- where do you play resulted files and they have no sound? Try playing them with AVS Media Player.

Please kindly specify these details and we will be able to assist you.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards.
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
30.03.11 10:15:42
To: Vlad

Sorry for the bad temper Vlad. Not your fault. I am giving my information to Alexander on AVS support. Any way the system config is V0QtV01BU1k3MDUwOTAwV0RDIFdENTAwMEFBS1MtMDBBN0IyMDEuMDNCMDE= gave by your software.

When I go to Text in All Files or any other (Titles, Animation, Simple) there are no letters in any one of them. When I enter any of them (the predifined titles) for character insertion, no letters, when I take out text by deleting text line and add another there no letters, And gives errors like division by zero on benchmark floating point. the letters size goes to zero alone.

But something I must tell you first. The first time I started download AVS4YOU after my total crash and had lose my system. After putting windows and drivers and so on. I had a failure of Internet conection. So I installed AVS4YOU after the conection returns. At that time for the first time gave a message in the beginning of the download about Avs corrupted files. Since then everytime I uninstall and reinstall AVS the first time I try the same message comes and I have to insist in order to download 1 package AVS4YOU.

So I tryied to download 1 by one. No message this time but the bug was still in here. I think that even when I uninstall AVS some files of config and security stay in my computer, so no matter how many times I unistall and install AVS (a lot of times by now). But when I insert the activation key the system returns a message of sucess registration.

Alexander send me a file on attachment to force activation. I don´t know if I can sent you in here. All those problems I am having are usually used by programmers to detect systems or other kind of violation, When I programed in COBOL we usually add 1 to an word giving the error 0c7. was a tipical error. I know this is not easy. If it was I would had solve it. This a very strange bug by afile that was corrupted and the reinstalation can´t solve it. Some of your hiden files of control and security is not letting the system to function.

Once more sorry for my bad temer, something I wrote and if I could I would deleted moments after. Someone that is in this for 5 days and need to stop for a while before send the computer out of the window. And sorry for the bad english to.

Ricardo Ferreira
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
30.03.11 10:21:19
Something is not clear in the last message: When I was downloading AVS for the first time the Internet conection failed. The second time gave the error of the corrupted files.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
31.03.11 04:25:48
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt

Hello Ricardo,

Thank you for all the details.

Please try also cleanup the files in this directory C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoEditor. It is better to delete the whole folder and then reinstall the program. Please note that the folder Application Data is hidden, so you should check "Show hidden files and folders" in My Computer>Tools>View tab.

If it does not help, we need screenshots of all the problems and errors you have.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

P.S. Please note that license issues are not discussed on the forum according to the forum rules. Please address them directly into our support system.
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
31.03.11 06:30:42
To: Vlad

Something else is I did all that and the same as usual. Thanks for your help Vlad in spite I don´t know if this is a license issue. Even before the activation key is given the problem is already there. When I download the Video editor before activate the same errors are there already. All of them, so I don´t think is an activation problem. I was wondering if the AVS put any DLL or change in any way any of the System DLLs. Seems to be a driver problem. I am so lost I just don´t know. Thanks once more Vlad.

Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
31.03.11 06:41:54
To: Vlad

Sorry I forgot. When I was deleting all remaining AVS files of the system and try to delete Program files / common files / AVSMedia the system didn´t let me gave a message about denied access to the Folder the cause was is-FSNJO.bak that seemed to be in use. After restart the system the Folder was deleted without no further delays. I don´t know but this can be the problem or not.

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
31.03.11 07:36:27
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt

Yes, as far as I can see activation and FSNJO.bak is not the problem. Therefore, we kindly asking you to provide screenshots of the errors in AVS Video Editor. It will allows to assist you further.
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
31.03.11 09:23:39
To: Vlad

I would like if the avs video editor fuction on that to.

Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
31.03.11 11:04:47
To: Vlad

Here It goes.

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477.29 KB
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
01.04.11 02:40:48
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt

Thanks, Ric. But we need screenshots of the errors.Kindly asking you to attach them.
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
01.04.11 06:43:54
To: Vlad

Ok Vlad on Monday. I need a vaction on that. I am just to out of myselfe. I need sometime to get back on my shoes. I will send you that on monday. Just one thing after I deleted some images and do some other crazy things suddenly the AVS produced the video with sound. Memory BUG? How can I see if my on board graphic adapter is well installed ( Intel (R) G33/31 Express Chipset Family ). Or the memory ( Intel (R) 8280 1G (ICH7 Family ) x 2.

Thanks Vlad

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
04.04.11 03:42:27
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt

Ok, Ricardo.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
05.04.11 11:17:58
To: Vlad

I will, to much work on the last few days. Sorry for the delay.

Ricardo :-D
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
06.04.11 00:24:55
To: ricardommf@netcabo.pt

that's ok;-)
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
06.04.11 06:01:55
To: Vlad

After all kind of trying to get my OS OK I have decided to install a new one Windows XP 64 bytes. What I will do Tomorrow so my comp will be restarted in all. My system installation the last time had some problems so... Better for me at this time. After that I will contact you. Anyway thanks vlad.
Posts: 13
Registered: 11.01.2011
06.04.11 21:06:03
To: Vlad

*YAHOO* Ok Vlad everything is just fine. The Avs4You is functionning as far as I can see with no problems. Thanks for your help.

Ricardo *DRINK*
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