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Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
19.08.10 13:46:00
recorded a speaker at the podium
audio is fine = but image is WAAAAAAAAAAy to jerky
the operator (me) was setting up the tripod when the speaker started sooner than expected
ie cannot just trim the beginning
was thinking of cutting in a picture or something as an overlay for the first minute

suggestions on best way to do this? (or some other solution??)
and in what program (I have the whole suite)

Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
19.08.10 14:25:08
To: greggustin

took a screen capture of a part I liked
and used it as an overlay for the 1st minute
worked GREAT
because it it still - the video looks broken
I added a text box - "Video Still 1st Minute"
how can I change the order of the TEXT/Photo
if no solution, I will add the text to the photo in photoshop !
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Registered: 30.06.2009
20.08.10 04:33:10
To: greggustin

well - it seems to work
the output file will not play
(get white screen with no audio)
tried swf and flv
all others ok for same source
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
20.08.10 06:26:23
To: greggustin


We are glad that you managed to find the solution, but you could simply use Trim finction and cut unnecessary scene. Here are the details about Trim.

Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
26.08.10 10:51:04
To: Vlad

thanks - but you did not read my OP (original post) and replys
1. can NOT use the trim - because I NEED to preserve the audio from the first minute
it is the program teacher in her opening remarks!

2. As I said in my replies - none of my ideas worked - because I am sure there is a bug in the video editor
every time I added a photo - it would destroy the video

my final solution was to do a video effect line - I think I did it black/white
and set the threshold to an extreme
you could still see movement - but it hid the fact that the camera was jerking all over the place
and I added a balloon overlay that said - "proper video starts in 1 minute" so the viewers would not blame their own system

even though this worked - I should have been able to add a photo overlay ????

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
27.08.10 03:10:15
To: greggustin

I apologize for my inattention. I would suggest you export audio track from video you have and add it as a separate soundtrack. You can do it selecting video file in Media Library, clicking right mouse button and choosing Exract Audio option. Then put exported audio track to Audio Mix line and mute main video (click right mouse button>Mute). Thus you will be able to trim the beginning, put black color or photo at the beginning of the main video line and add text to it.

I hope I've understood you correctly and my suggestion helps.

Best regards.
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
28.08.10 05:51:17
To: Vlad

I understand your suggestion
perhaps you can also request the engineers to fix the bug\
it should not 'break the video' just becasue I put a photo on top of video
but thanks for idea
my final solution is easier
just do a video effect for the 1st bad minute
that hides the shaky camera
I sent you a PM with the link to the URL

Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
28.08.10 05:53:07
how can I send PM to admin??
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
30.08.10 04:35:55
To: greggustin

Sorry, but it is not clear how an overlayed photo breaks the video. Could you please explain it more clearly? Perhaps make a screenshot...

You can write to me personally in our support system.
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
30.08.10 10:56:26
To: Vlad

this version does NOT work
I added a photo into the media library
I edited the photo to fill the screen
I stretched the photo to be in place for 1 minute
when I hit the play button - it works great, except
the video will not play an any player except AVS player
it is all white

if I do it this way
(no photo overlay)
but a video effect and text box, then it works

I can upload all the files if you want
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
30.08.10 11:03:09
To: greggustin

not sure why the photos are not embedded in my email
ahh - - - bbc codes

here you go -- >

this way does NOT work:


this way DOES work:

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
31.08.10 02:14:45
To: greggustin

As far as I can see you have AVS Video Editor 4.2 version, but not the latest one which is 5.1

I've tried putting a photo as you did in the latest version and it works fine for me, see the screenshot attached.

Please download and install the latest version AVS Video Editor 5.1. from this link.

I hope it helps.
Attached files:
137.28 KB
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
31.08.10 04:33:07
To: Vlad

thanks - will get ver 5.1
just to let you know
before I start ANY project (even this one)
I did a check for upgrades from the Navigator Program

thanks again = will report back after I test with 5.1
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
31.08.10 07:13:39
To: greggustin

Ok. Looking forward to hearing from you.

AVS Video Editor 5.1 was released on 08/16/2010. Perhaps, it was not avaliable when you started your project.
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Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
31.08.10 14:28:42
To: Vlad

fyi - started project on Aug 20 = but oh well - guess the Navigator was noy updates yet
any = project now ok
the photo over lay DOES work
yeah !

but another FYI
the video preview window in v5.1
plays VERY jerky (skips audio)
even with NO overlay, if I put the video into the time line
if it is NOT in the time line - it plays ok?? - very odd
the video is an FLV that I made using AVS4YOU converter
from a *.mov from a HD def personal camcorder

summary = my bmp/jpeg over lays work
(makes a great title)

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
01.09.10 02:33:46
To: greggustin

I suppose that FLV video is HD. Please note that our software enables cashing process, when you put this file this file on Timeline (see the screenshot attached). Please wait untill video will be cashed and after that it will play normally on preview.

Attached files:
109.36 KB
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
01.09.10 19:34:36
To: Vlad

well - it was 640x480
and was not "cacheing"
it is only a few minutes long
less than 30Mb
it loads instantly into the media library
and will play perfect in the preview window
but not when in time line
maybe just a fluke - do not care at the moment
I will test other files later

thanks for the help !
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
02.09.10 04:28:01
To: greggustin

You are welcome.

Please let us know if the issue repeats.
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