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Posts: 8
Registered: 17.07.2010
04.08.10 19:41:14
I am using video capture and video converter. After burning the DVD the video looks like film. I am using video converter6.4.4.420. The original tape looks live rather than film. I have changed for SP to HQ dvd setting while burning. While is the film capture appear to be capturing looking like film rather than live look as original media.

Thanks for the help.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
05.08.10 04:51:02
To: coluccc


Could you please explain how do you differ film and live? by what video characteristics?

Also, What video does your source tape contain? Is it home movie shot by the camera?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Posts: 8
Registered: 17.07.2010
06.08.10 11:05:06
The source is a Hi8 and VHS tapes. The source looks live when viewing using the native media. Once capture, the video switches from a live look to a movie/film look.

I tried burning HQ and SP and still looks the same. It appears that when the media is captured, it becomes a film look rather than live as is original media.
Posts: 8
Registered: 17.07.2010
06.08.10 11:05:49
It is a home movie.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
09.08.10 06:04:07
To: coluccc

Thank you for the details.

Could you please specify the exact model of your capture device (I suppose it's capture card)?

To which format do you record video - Recommended, Native or Mpeg 2?

Also, it would be great if you send us an example of your video. Will you be able to upload it to our server?

Posts: 8
Registered: 17.07.2010
09.08.10 17:50:45
The capture device is either a VCR or HI8 Sony player. I am using AVS video recorder to do the transfer. I am also using recommended format. I would like to send a small video clip but do want it contained in the forum. Can you send an alternate email to transfer.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
10.08.10 04:16:09
The capture device is either a VCR or HI8 Sony player.

Thanks, but it is the device from which your capture video. How do you connect your VCR or Hi8 Sony player to computer for capturing? You must be doing it via capture card. What is the model of it?

As for sending the file, I will provide you instructions in our support system., please login into it with your e-mail and password.

Posts: 8
Registered: 17.07.2010
10.08.10 05:43:10
I am connecting with a canopus device. From the VCR or Hi 8 deck I connect via rca cables to the canopus and then use firewire to connect to the PC. I am running 2 pcs both quad-core with canopus devices attached. I will forward a file later in the day. Thanks for your assistance.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
11.08.10 06:26:26
To: coluccc


Thank you for the details.

It is possible to capture videos to Recommend, Native and MPEG - 2 formats. Which of them you capture video to? Try capturing to another and see if it helps with the problem. Also, please follow Settings tab and open Advanced Device Settings (see the screenshot attached). If it is avaliable for your Canopus device, try adjusting Color, Brightness, Contrast and other properties of video. Perhaps it will help to make video looks like live rather than video.

Best regards.
Posts: 8
Registered: 17.07.2010
23.08.10 16:11:40
Hi -

No luck, tried switching recomment, native, and mpeg2. Still looks like film rather than live.

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
27.08.10 02:17:19
To: coluccc


Sorry for the late response.

Have you also tried adjusting Color, Brightness, Contrast and other settings of video?

We still need captured file to investigate the issue. Could you please upload it to our ftp server?

Best regards.
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