What I do, is add an image (in a single colour e.g. black screen / there are images in avs4you editor you can use or you can import a self created one) to the timeline (drag and drop to the start). You give it a duration (right click on the image in the timeline) of for instance 10sec (default is 5sec).
Go to the text tab, add a text to the timeline, edit text and for a really cool effect you could even add a transition between the start image and the first video sequence.
My favourite trick is to:
. add a black image to the start,
. add text to the time line with a fade in,
. insert a fade in/fade out style transition to the timeline between the image and the first video,
. allow the text to run over the start of the video before too fading out.
See the start of this video for an[URL=]EXAMPLE[/URL]