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Posts: 2
Registered: 23.06.2010
23.06.10 13:30:24
I just downloaded AVS Video Editor 4.2 and am having a lot of fun learning/working with it. But, for the life of me, I don't know how to add text. I've scanned the forum and seen references to text overlay, and may I just say 'huh?'

I understand the animation choices. I figured out how to change font, color, size, etc. And yet, for all this brilliance, I don't see how to add the text itself.

If anyone could spare me a clue, I'd sure appreciate it!


Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
24.06.10 06:37:35
To: Belle

Hello Belle,
First of all you need to add the text to the timeline by drag and drop, follow this link to find more detailes.
Text Editing window will be opened by double clicking on the text on the timeline.
To type in the text please double click on the Text within that window (preview screen).
Our developers are working on improving the usability of the program now.
Posts: 2
Registered: 23.06.2010
25.06.10 14:07:03
To: Nat

Nat - thank you. It was double clicking on the "Text" in the edit box that I kept missing. Now maybe I can go to sleep at night. *CRAZY*
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
28.06.10 01:45:49
To: Belle

You are most welcome if you have any other questions or problems.
Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
13.07.10 21:40:56
I have been finding holes in the Video Editor which makes me think it's still in beta testing phase. Some are tolerable
but some aren't. Here's one that I can't tolerate. I am trying to add an image (in the video timeline) past the text... at 1:00.4 but
it doesn't let me. It is trying to place it right after the last clip (see the green square). Attached is a screenshot. How do I get it done?

How do I change the background color of the text after it has been moved to the text line? Text line does not have 'Move Left or Right'
like the video line. It gets cumbersome to be doing over because of these limitations.
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2304.05 KB
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.07.10 23:43:54
To: groovy3130

As text is used as an overlay, there should be a background for it, that is why if you add video or image file on the main video timeline it is added right after the last video.
If you need a plain background for the text, please add a color frame for the background (see the screenshot attached).

Text line does not have 'Move Left or Right'
like the video line.

Thank you for the suggetsion we will pass it over to our developers.

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2490.17 KB
Posts: 1
Registered: 10.11.2010
11.11.10 14:58:49
How do I add title (text) BEFORE video starts? I would like to have an opening title run for a few seconds before the video clip starts.
......After adding text, when I bring in the first video clip it adds it on top of text line and won't allow "sliding" it to run after opening title sequence.
Posts: 18
Registered: 09.06.2010
12.11.10 03:00:51
To: bbosche@comcast.net

What I do, is add an image (in a single colour e.g. black screen / there are images in avs4you editor you can use or you can import a self created one) to the timeline (drag and drop to the start). You give it a duration (right click on the image in the timeline) of for instance 10sec (default is 5sec).

Go to the text tab, add a text to the timeline, edit text and for a really cool effect you could even add a transition between the start image and the first video sequence.

My favourite trick is to:

. add a black image to the start,
. add text to the time line with a fade in,
. insert a fade in/fade out style transition to the timeline between the image and the first video,
. allow the text to run over the start of the video before too fading out.

See the start of this video for an[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB5MpN-oIEs]EXAMPLE[/URL]

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