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Posts: 6
Registered: 14.06.2010
14.06.10 23:16:27
Recently my video editor has been crashing at an ever rapid pace. It may have coincided with a java update, although i think it started happening before that. Basically it stays on for up to a few minutes and then crashes regardless of what i am doing. Something else that may be of note is that I thought maybe it had to do with the large number of rather large files that sit in the video library. I have deleted them, but they just come back.
The latest problem (which at least is consistent) is that I can't open the Trim window. I get an external exception error EO6D7363. Then when I close the dialogue box the trim window opens, but with no associated clip. When I close the Trim window, the program hangs and must be closed through task manager.
Posts: 6
Registered: 14.06.2010
15.06.10 10:37:42
To: Powdork

That should be E06D7363 (it was an 'o', but it should have been a zero).
Posts: 6
Registered: 14.06.2010
15.06.10 11:47:41
To: Powdork

Latest crash which didn't involve the Trim window, but gives the same external code. Don't know why this one gives me the full info and the other (involving the trim window only gives the small dialogue box.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: AVSVideoEditor.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 00000000
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdbdf
Exception Code: e06d7363
Exception Offset: 0000b727
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
16.06.10 12:41:01
To: Powdork

To avoid the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC.

Instructions below:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.
2. Go Start> Run... type regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > AVS4YOU (delete it). ( or if you have 64 bit os - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > AVS4YOU (delete it).)

3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:)>> ProgramData\AVS4YOU (delete it).

or if you have 64 bit operating sistem
Go Local Disc C > Program Files (x86) > AVS4YOU (delete it).
C>Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AVSMedia (delete it).

Download the latest version from our webpage:

Now install the program anew on your PC.

If it does not solve your issue, please attach the screenshot of your PC configuration (right click on My Computer>Properties).

Best regards.
Posts: 6
Registered: 14.06.2010
17.06.10 12:23:25
To: Vlad

That seems to have done the trick. I have had 1 "abnormal program termination" since then, but I've been using it a lot and with multiple large files. Also have had one instance where a dialogue window (editing duration of image) disappeared which freezes up the program basically. I was able to retrieve the window by changing my screen resolution, and then changing it back.
I also noticed the rotation transition bug has been fixed.:-)
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
21.06.10 07:06:48
To: Powdork


Thank you for getting back to us.
We are glad that the problem has been solved. :-)

If any problem arise, we are here to help.

Posts: 6
Registered: 14.06.2010
25.06.10 12:41:17
To: Vlad

Thanks vlad. It seems I am still having some issues
The first clip of any video I make plays fine. Most of the clips after the first are jumpy, with a pause like every three seconds.
First is fine, then the majority are jumpy (This was the first vid i did after uninstalling and reinstalling. don't know if the bug is related to that, or just the updated version (or something i'm doing wrong)

this is one made before i ran into problem and reinstalled with update. it works fine. it was also the last one i did prior to running into issues outlined in the original post

this is the same as above, but re-rendered (same settings) after i had installed the newer version. notice the second clip is choppy now
Posts: 6
Registered: 14.06.2010
28.06.10 02:37:24
To: Powdork

now i'm even more confused, or less, i'm not sure.
none of the vids above are jumpy on the other computers i'm checking.

on the pc that i'm editing and saving on (by far the newest of the bunch) the end product is jumpy regardless of what program i use to view it.
no problems with any videos edited (on same computer) prior to update.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
30.06.10 04:33:20
To: Powdork

Perhaps the issue in video codecs installed on your computer where you edit and save videos. Try installing codec pack, for example k-lite.

If it does not solve the issue, please specify the format which you save your videos to and which profiles with output settings you select. Also please specify what video players you use to play resulted files.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Posts: 2
Registered: 08.02.2011
08.02.11 11:08:43
To: Powdork

To avoid the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC.

Instructions below:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.
2. Go Start> Run... type regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > AVS4YOU (delete it). ( or if you have 64 bit os - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > AVS4YOU (delete it).)

3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:)>> ProgramData\AVS4YOU (delete it).

or if you have 64 bit operating sistem
Go Local Disc C > Program Files (x86) > AVS4YOU (delete it).
C>Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AVSMedia (delete it).

Download the latest version from our webpage:

Now install the program anew on your PC.

If it does not solve your issue, please attach the screenshot of your PC configuration (right click on My Computer>Properties).

Best regards.

I did all this and still get EXTERNAL EXCEPTION: EO6D7363
Support Manager
Posts: 166
Registered: 08.07.2008
09.02.11 01:03:12
To: Gerry863

Dear Gerald,

Your request has been answered here

 The payment/activation issues shouldn't be discussed on the web forum according to forum rules

Please, visit our support system to clear up the situation.
Thanks a lot for your patience.
Posts: 1
Registered: 02.03.2011
02.03.11 01:02:13
I am having problems with Video Editor crashing too, when I try to produce a video to 'file' it crashes with an 'unexpected program error'. I can produce a DVD or Internet related file but not a mobile device or 'file'. I uninstalled and reinstalled but same problem. I tried to contact support about 3 days ago but have received no response.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
03.03.11 05:02:15
To: Billybuchman


As far as I know our support manage Alexander has already been working with you on a problem in our support system. Please follow his tips to solve the problem.

Best regards.
Posts: 5
Registered: 05.03.2011
06.03.11 00:54:09
To: Powdork

I had a similar problem when working with large files and putting in a lot of captions. At some point it just wouldn't take any more captions. The program gave a message that said "Not enough storage is available to process this command" any time I try to go into the edit screen, and the program freezes up sometimes with this message requiring me to reboot. I had plenty of free space on my hard disks, but the space was primarily on by D drive. I only had 4gb of RAM. I would exit the program and come back in and it would give me the message again. I deleted everything I could from the C drive so that I had an additional 54 gb of space and I was able to do more work with fewer freezes. To finish my project, I divided it into three equal sections, and compiled each separately (the compiler was freezing also eith this large file) Then I concatenated the resulting 3 filies and added the remaining captions that I needed. When I downloaded the latest version of the editor it reduced the occurrences of this error message substantially. If this problem is a RAM problem, I will by a 64 bit computer with larger RAM. Your support person many months back said it was a "memory problem" but did not clarify what memory she was referring to, and did not mention that updating would help. Is RAM the issue, or is it just a bug in the progam that is being repaired?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
07.03.11 04:56:22
To: philmanf

Yes, the problem seems connected with the memory (RAM). How many files do you work wih at once and what is their size? We also need to know your Operating System and CPU model. Please attach a screenshot of your PC configuration (My Computer>right click>Properties). Also, please attach screenshots of the errors you get.
Posts: 1
Registered: 20.03.2011
20.03.11 14:27:06
I am trying to use AVS Video Editor (I bought the unlimited subscription) and every time I try to produce to file, so I can see the uninterrupted video I'm making I get an "Abnormal Program Termination" and I lose my data. Here's my PC:

Dell Inspiron Desktop with Core 2 Duo processor (single)
Just over a terabyte of combined disc space
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
21.03.11 08:33:10
To: OracleUsr


First of all please re-install the software using the instructions here.
Then install the latest version of AVS Video Editor.

If it does not help, please specify the format and the size of the files you work with in AVS Video Editor.

Best regards.
Posts: 5
Registered: 02.09.2011
02.09.11 20:25:25
hi , avs video editor is a great video , i use to edit tennis videos , full matches of tennis , and then with avs i make highlights , but i have some problem , when i am editing a video of tennis of 1080p HD , avs always crash , the problem is appcrash or something like that , but when i edit 720p HD videos , all works perfectly , i have windows 7
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
07.09.11 10:11:52
To: rsosa92


Sorry for the delay.

First of all please make sure that you have the latest version AVS Video Editor 6.0 which is available on our website.

If it does not help, please specify the format of the files you work with and when exactly does the program crashes?

Also, please specify your PC configuration (Operating System, CPU, Ram).

Best regards.
Posts: 1
Registered: 27.11.2012
27.11.12 03:13:33
Hi, I keep having appcrash error. I have sent a message to support 3 days ago but no one has replied. I would really like some help as I am trying to do a video for a client who needs it soon.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled avs video editor several times as per instructions on the forum. It was working fine until about half way through my editing, now I can't get it to do anything without crashing.

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