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Posts: 1
Registered: 06.06.2008
06.06.08 08:09:39
In several attempts I have split a file into several sections and then selected "Save all sections into separate files".
After I press "Remake Now!" it saves the output as 1 file. The source and output format is MPEG2.
Thanks for any suggestions!

Win XP Pro, Version 2002, Service Pack 2
Intel Pentium 4 CPU, 3.20 GHz, 1GB of RAM
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
07.06.08 06:07:30
To: dawhaley


That is explained by the fact, that you use the trial version. That option will be available after you activate the software.

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 07.06.2008
07.06.08 08:32:55
To: Dam
Thanks for responding. (I am the same person who posted the question...there are some issues with my forum registration.) dawhaley/David Whaley
Posts: 1
Registered: 13.04.2009
13.04.09 03:53:11
To: Dam

Hi I have the same problem on the registered version. Please help!
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
13.04.09 04:30:02
To: shanverma@gmail.com

This option will be enabled when you set areas of deletion between the sections you would like to save separately. Deleting just a few seconds between the episodes would be enough.

Best regards
Posts: 13
Registered: 23.07.2009
13.04.09 04:31:02
I am having a problem with AVS Video ReMaker. After manually creating multiple scenes I click on Remake Now and choose the option "Save all sections into a single file." On my first attempt I had 6 separate scenes and the program only produced 4 separate files. Two of the Files had merged multiple scenes.

I tried it again on another project...this time I manually established 8 scenes (choosing "Save all sections into a single file") and this time the program merged all of the 8 scenes into only 2 files.

Is there a difference between "Scene" and "Section"...if so, how do I define separate "sections" as opposed to "scenes"?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.08.09 03:23:09
To: cehanlon@verizon.net

Please note the posts above. Try setting areas of deletion between sections to save them separately.

Posts: 13
Registered: 23.07.2009
10.08.09 11:27:29
To: nadin

Thank You

That works but seems like more of a work around then a solution.

I'd suggest consideration be given to a fix/enhancement that creates separate files for each scene when that option is chosen. An option (right click) to override creating a separate file for a specific scene would round out the enhancement.
For now I'll work with the surrounding deletions...no need to reply further.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.08.09 22:08:38
I'd suggest consideration be given to a fix/enhancement that creates separate files for each scene when that option is chosen. An option (right click) to override creating a separate file for a specific scene would round out the enhancement.
We'll do our best to improve these options in the next version of the program.

If you have further questions/suggestions, they are most welcome!
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