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Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
11.04.10 07:24:44
Help! Please. I have been working on a project for the last week. Everytime I try to bring another video in to my project (multi trim) I get this error. Most of the time the error box puts itself all over my screen and then I cannot do anything at all and lose all my work. I have 11 DVD's to edit for my sons highlight film and am getting extremely frustrated! I have only been able to multi trim 3 and that was not without problems. I have been reading multi posts and trying different things and to no success. Yes, I too purchased the program :o(
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
12.04.10 03:01:53
To: ntanzob


Could you please specify what exact file from your DVD you open in AVS Video Editor? We recommend to open VIDEO_TS.IFO.

Could you please attach a screenshot of the error?

Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
12.04.10 05:08:48
The video's I am trying to bring in are .vob - however I keep getting this same message regardless if I am trying to bring something in or save the file. I have almost 5 minutes added (it took 5 days because of all the errors) and then I press the save icon (that goes fine) and then try to save the movie and about 15% in to it, it freezes up and gives me the same error. The result is a loss of my work and the inability of saving the movie. I have tried saving it in ALL the options and I get the same error every single time. I am getting ready to try and bring another video in - I will try and capture a screen shot when the error returns, as I am 100% positive it will.
Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
12.04.10 05:27:53
Funny, I went back to the program and it was completely unresponsive. I had to shut everything down. I will try it again. This is a repeatitive occur since I purchased the software 5 days ago. I will try a few more things then want a refund.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
12.04.10 05:31:57
To: ntanzob

Please note that you can always save your work in AVS Video Editor opening menu File and using Save project option.

What is the origin of the DVD's you are editing? Are they DVD-movies from store or DVD's shot with the camera or smth like that?

Please also specify your PC configuration - (Operating system, CPU, Ram).
Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
12.04.10 05:55:58
To: Vlad
I just tried to bring in the file as you suggested, but now it is completely frozen and unresponsive. Please advise on what I should do next. Also if I get passed this phase, and am able to multi-trim, how do I sucessfully save the movie? A quick reply would be appreciated.
Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
12.04.10 06:03:39
To: Vlad
I have learned to save my project that way. It does save, however when the program opens that is not the file that automatically comes up. I can live with that as long as the stuff I have been working on is saved some where.

I am trying to import my data from a DVD that was shot from a camera that was filming the football game. There are all in .vob format.

Is it better to save my DVD on my hard drive before trying to import it? I have tried both ways and seem to be unsuccessful 99% of the time.

I am working on a Dell Inspiron 9400 laptop. The OS is XP and I have 2 GB of Ram (77% free) T2080 @1.73 GHz
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
12.04.10 07:03:21
To: ntanzob

Try complete reinstalling of AVS Video Editor. Instructions below:

1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall.

2. Go Start> Run... Print regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders:


3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it).

Download the latest version from the link below:


Now install the program anew on your PC.

Please Inform about the results.
Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
12.04.10 07:56:34
I just did it - twice as a matter of fact. Both times the program is unresponsive. I would say the only difference is that my old project is no longer coming up. Other than that, I am not receiving the error message because it isn't even allowing the program to completely open up. Please advise.
Posts: 7
Registered: 10.04.2010
12.04.10 09:00:06
NOW it is letting me bring dvd's in and letting me multi trim and drag down to the timeline, however once I move to the next dvd; those areas on the timeline are empty. I need help, this is beyond frustrating.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
14.04.10 03:04:46
To: ntanzob


If you use AVS Video Editor just to trim your DVD's, I would recommend you to use AVS Video ReMaker for that purpose. The program allows to do the job much faster as it does not re-encode video. Here you can find the detailed instructions how to trim videos with AVS Video ReMaker.

If you still need to use AVS Video Editor, please check this topic where is the problem while saving movie has been discussed.

Posts: 1
Registered: 20.08.2014
20.08.14 21:22:15
To: ntanzob

I'm pretty sure this error is related to the AVS app crossing the 2gb boundary for internal memory usage.

I hit it when trying to drag-n-drop a 3k images from a folder to make timelapse video. I then get infinite alerts saying "external exception EEFACE".

AVS needs to create 64-bit versions of the app to solve this bug.

I *love* the AVS4You app suite, but it is a bit silly that a video editor in this day and age is 32-bit with a 2gb limit.
Posts: 142
Registered: 15.10.2013
22.08.14 11:14:39
To: TomN

Dear User,

To avoid this problem, please:

1) Make sure that you have the latest version of AVS Video Editor (ver.;
2) Switch off “Show line groups" option, please follow Edit > Settings > Edit and unmark the “Show line groups" option;
3) Switch off “Show sound waveform” option, please follow Edit > Settings > Edit and unmark the “Show sound waveform" option;
4) Deactivate Intel Media Codecs, please follow Edit > Settings > Processing > Intel Media and choose the “Disable” option.

Please feel free to ask questions, submit requests and suggestions
via our Online Support Service to get prompt assistance and be able to track the support answers online: http://support.avs4you.com/Support.aspx

Best regards.
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