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Posts: 1
Registered: 21.03.2009
02.07.09 23:00:20

I bought a license of AVS Video Converter.

I didnt know version 6.3 was our until i got to the avs site.

Is there a way to receive an email about such things or something like a newsletter from AVS?

Thanks in advance,

Roy Waxman
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
03.07.09 01:29:32
To: roywax@gmail.com

Actually we send newsletters to our customers upon every major release, therefore, as you are registered in our database, you must have got the appropriate e-mail. Please check up your spam filter - it might have rejected the notification.

Best regards
Posts: 25
Registered: 13.01.2009
23.12.09 11:03:31
To: roywax@gmail.com

Actually we send newsletters to our customers upon every major release, therefore, as you are registered in our database, you must have got the appropriate e-mail. Please check up your spam filter - it might have rejected the notification.

Best regards

Hi Nadin,

In terms of the AVS4YOU version numbering scheme (e. g., a.b.c.ddd) which element of the version number constitutes a "major release" regarding which a newsletter would be sent? For example, I bought an AVS4YOU lifetime license in early January, 2009 and downloaded the then-current version of AVS Video Editor (4.1.x.xxx). I recently downloaded & updated to the current most version (, which includes several cosmetic improvements and what I'd call "bug fixes," but little or no actual new functionality.

I do like to keep my sw current, especially as regards major bug fixes and new functionality, but not necessarily to spend time constantly checking the website for updates with tiny fixes I rarely/never encounter. And since -- happily -- I in fact rarely do encounter problems with AVS4YOU programs that I can't either solve with a little tinkering or live with until a "fix" comes along, I don't have that as a motivator for frequent website visits.

Thanks in advance ofr any clarification you can provide.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
24.12.09 01:42:14
In terms of the AVS4YOU version numbering scheme (e. g., a.b.c.ddd) which element of the version number constitutes a "major release" regarding which a newsletter would be sent?
If a program has undergone considerable functional changes or its interface has been totally redesigned the newsletters are sent. If the changes are not worth informing about we do not send any newsletters, as a rule. I guess, the first two numbers (a.b.) correspond to major releases, the others (c.ddd) - rather to unsignificant updates or bug fixes.

Posts: 14
Registered: 28.12.2009
01.01.10 07:06:53
I've been a paying customer to your products since March of 2009 and I've never gotten any e-mails about new versions of programs or product updates but I'd like to get them. I have 16 of your programs installed on my computer but get no news or info at all.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.01.10 04:00:09
To: rollerreftom

I'll make sure that your e-mail address is included into the next mailing. Thank you for your feedback.
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