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Posts: 1
Registered: 12.11.2012
22.11.12 01:20:40
I purchase a unlimited license as well and the application work well for me since it was in 6.0 version. I eventually got an error with that version then someone provided me with the 7.0 version to fix that problem. Now here I am again with a once again broken version of the application. I had your awesome tech support tell me to "completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC" I guess he didn't read my original post that said "I have tried uninstall and reinstall on two operating systems (Vista & Win7) with no luck." It still craps out about 14-16% into a conversion. It has been 6 days since the last awesome support help. I even sent a full system config doc to help with replication of the issue. I have never had an application that I have to contact support let alone contact them more than 4 times to fix their program. NOT COOL GUYS>>>
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
22.11.12 06:12:21
To: toddhampton1@yahoo.com

We are sorry for the delay and inconvenience!
We have contacted you in Online Support System:

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 21.11.2012
21.11.12 18:23:39
I have posted e-mails to your support and sales staff. Had to re-install my AVS software. Had a hard drive crash and lost my reigistration numbers. Am trying to contact you to re-obtain them. BUT NO ONE ANSWERS E-MAILS !!!
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
22.11.12 05:37:32
To: Tom Cundiff

We are sorry for any inconvenience we might have caused.
We have contacted you in Online Support System:

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 21.11.2012
22.11.12 05:58:05
To: Esther

Excellent ! And thanks very much. Don't know if you celebrate Thanksgiving in Merry Ole' England, but if you do, "Happy Thanksgiving" Oh, and no, I didn't know you took 24 hours to reply. But if there's a next time, I've made record of this on three of my external drives and will keep on one a stick just in case.
Take Care,
Tom Cundiff

Oh, and by the way, the young lady identified as Anna who helped me ... very cute young lady. I'm not so old that I don't recognize the beauty of the flowers in God's garden - doesn't mean I have desire any more to roll around amongst the thorns though. :)
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
22.11.12 07:54:47
To: Tom Cundiff

Dear Tom,

You are welcome!
We are always ready to help you :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 24.11.2012
24.11.12 23:02:34
Did you call in to get a response? I sent 2 emails on the 22nd, and I have sent another one today because still no response. Where is the Support team based?
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
26.11.12 06:50:47
To: bolotxus

We are sorry for the delay.
We have contacted you in Online Support System:

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 19.04.2011
19.04.11 08:36:14
need help right away this is waht happened to me......... I am a photographer and by accident I took some picture with the NEF setting turned on my camera a Nikon d700 this images were very clear in the NEF format but the client needs then in jpg I saw your add and tried the sample application . 1st problem your application placed a water mark on my photo’s that were going to a client so, I bought your product after the conversion from NEF to jpg the images still have the company logo and are burred and distorted I have 500 to 600 images that have been changed pleases contact me at my cell because I am at work at work during the support teams hours i need and answer sooni am very upset about the results and money I am out .
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
20.04.11 06:22:38
To: asumner


Unfortunately, watermark will not be removed from files converted with non-activated version. Sorry, but you were warned by the program that it will put watermark. The solution is to re-convert original NEF files again but with activated version. To keep quality you should select original size in resize settings when convert to jpg.

Best regards.
Posts: 21
Registered: 14.05.2012
16.05.12 02:34:58
Trial versions has watermarks so you won't get satisfied, but try the licensed version instead. Buy the original version and your problem will be solved.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
18.12.12 04:59:32
To: amabletrujillo

Your post has been moved. Please follow this link.
Posts: 2
Registered: 01.12.2012
01.12.12 18:16:35
I entered a licence problem in the support page 9 days ago (11-23-12) and still don't have a response. Please respond!
Posts: 2
Registered: 01.12.2012
02.12.12 13:02:20
To: chipbug
Thanks for the help. The product is awesome!
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
03.12.12 05:51:09
To: chipbug


You are welcome. We are sorry for the delay.
Thank you for the positive feedback.

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 27.12.2012
27.12.12 06:41:42
I have been waiting over 2 months (asked 12 Oct 12 just received a responce 27 Dec 12 to send them the info that was contained in the orig question)!!!
The product seems great but the support seems WOEFULLY PATHETIC.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
29.12.12 03:44:07

Dear User,

We are really sorry for the delay in reply.

We are not able to answer your questions earlier due to technical problems on our server.

Sorry for all the inconveniecnes caused and thank you for understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 20.11.2012
20.11.12 17:35:13
Please unblock my license key. I have re-fomatted my hard drive and have not transferred the AVS software from one computer to another or used it on more than one computer.
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
21.11.12 05:49:38
To: internetaccts@gmail.com


Please accept our apologies for such a delayed reply.
We have contacted you in Online Support System:

Best regards
Posts: 59
Registered: 07.07.2012
23.12.12 17:30:30
To: internetaccts@gmail.com

Hi. I'm just wondering if your license is already reinstated.
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