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Posts: 2
Registered: 28.06.2017
28.06.17 02:46:51

When a file is saved in m4a format after editing or converting (mp3 to m4a), it becomes not playable in Groove Music or Win Media Player (see attached error.jpg). When the file is viewed in file explorer, the file properties are all lost (bit rate, album title, artist, etc.) which were present in the original file format of mp3. The file can still be played within the AVS program but will not be playable with external players. Also, if it is converted back to mp3, all file properties are restored and it becomes playable again.

I've re-installed AVS following the instructions on the website, including the registry cleaner, but no success.
Using Windows 10 and the latest AVS version (v8.3...)

m4a file is attached.

Any guidance would appreciated.

Attached files:
83.74 KB
Posts: 254
Registered: 08.09.2009
29.06.17 10:50:18
To: tdavidsen

I checked your M4A file - it's correct. By default, the M4A files is not supported by the Windows Media Player. Please, try another player.
Posts: 2
Registered: 28.06.2017
30.06.17 02:43:49
To: RomanN

Thanks for your reply, RomanN. I've been playing other m4a files that were not converted or edited in AVS with Win Media Player and Groove Music with no issues. I only have issues with m4a files that were processed by AVS.

Additionally, I tried to play the file using a few non-microsoft music players on my android phone (which handles m4a files), but none of the apps recognized the file as an audio file after re-scanning for new music files.

I would appreciate any additional thoughts you may have.
Posts: 41
Registered: 08.04.2016
11.07.17 10:04:23
To: tdavidsen


Thank you for the message.

Our developers are looking into the issue. We will inform you when a solution is found.

Kind regards
Posts: 12
Registered: 16.07.2017
18.07.17 00:18:33
I recently download your files but the good thing is that it really works fine when I play it using my windows media player, by the way can you please double check if you are using the latest version of WMP?

By the way my current default player is VLC media player and I open the file via the "open with" section.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
18.07.17 23:34:25
To: avslava

just curious, but I have had your programs output M4a files, and I just change the file type to mp4 and they play fine. to my knowledge, there is no real difference between M4A and MP4 except m4a contains usually only audio.
Posts: 41
Registered: 08.04.2016
20.07.17 08:59:28
To: Indyrod


You are right, .mp4 and .m4a are basically the same formats, the slight difference is that .m4a contains only audio, whereas .mp4 contains both video and audio streams.

Best regards
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